Azure OpenAI Service: pricing and differences with Copilot

Azure OpenAI is a service provided by Microsoft in collaboration with OpenAI that allows companies and developers to integrate advanced artificial intelligence models into their applications through the Azure cloud infrastructure. This service offers access to language models developed by OpenAI, such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), for a wide range of applications, including text generation, natural language analysis, machine translation, chatbot creation, and much more. In this article we will give an overview of what the service is and how it works, the advantages it can offer to your business and how we can optimize the costs in its use.

What you'll find in this article

  • What is Azure OpenAI
  • Azure OpenAI Service: What can be done?
  • Azure OpenAI Service: intelligent support for developers
  • Azure OpenAI vs. Microsoft Copilot: What are the differences?
  • Azure OpenAI Service: use cases and benefits
  • Azure OpenAI Pricing: licenses and costs
Azure OpenAI Service: pricing and differences with Copilot

What is Azure OpenAI

Whether you are supporters or detractors, the fact that Artificial Intelligence is becoming a force that is completely restructuring global digital infrastructures is an objective fact.

The world of corporate digital workplaces is no exception and is changing its face day by day at the pace of advances in AI-based technologies and even Microsoft, a leading company in the digital work environment sector, has decided to invest heavily in the artificial intelligence market.

One of the happiest outcomes of these investments is Azure OpenAI, the combination of the infrastructure of Microsoft Azure and the integration with the advanced artificial intelligence models developed by OpenAI. This combination allows organizations to access and leverage cutting-edge AI capabilities, such as natural language understanding and automatic content generation within Azure cloud environments.

The collaboration of the Redmond company with the leading company in the artificial intelligence sector makes advanced AI accessible to companies of all sizes, facilitating the creation of innovative solutions and the automation of business processes. Let's see how.

Azure OpenAI Service: What can be done?

Azure OpenAI provides users with access to cutting-edge AI models, including the well-known language model GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4), and other cutting-edge technologies developed by OpenAI. These models are capable of understanding and generating text with a high degree of sophistication, making possible things such as the automatic creation of content, the development of apps for virtual customer support and assisted code writing.

GPT-4, for example, can generate consistent and relevant responses based on minimal inputs, facilitating the creation of advanced chatbots, virtual assistants and text generation tools, but not only. In fact, this model can also be used to analyze and synthesize large amounts of text, supporting research and data analysis in every type of sector.

Azure OpenAI is designed to be accessible to both experienced AI professionals and newbies. The APIs provided are intuitive and easy to use, allowing companies to quickly integrate artificial intelligence capabilities into their existing applications. This reduces (although not completely eliminating) the need for advanced technical skills and accelerates the process of developing and implementing AI-based solutions.

The platform offers a wide range of capabilities that can be used to improve various aspects of business operations, including:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): It allows systems to understand and respond to human language in a natural way. This is especially useful for creating advanced chatbots, virtual assistants, and sentiment analysis systems.
  • Text generation: Using models such as GPT-4, Azure OpenAI can generate text that seems to be written by a human being, a useful function, for example, for creating automated content and intelligent email responses.
  • Image recognition (Computer Vision): The most advanced AI models allow systems to interpret and analyze images and videos to extrapolate data of all kinds. This is useful for applications such as facial recognition, the extraction of written texts from photocopied documents, and automated surveillance.
  • Speech Recognition: It allows the transcription and analysis of spoken language, making it possible to create voice assistants and the automatic transcription of meetings and audio notes.
  • Integration with the Azure ecosystem: It goes without saying, but companies can combine the capabilities of Azure OpenAI with other services offered by the Azure platform to create powerful and complete AI solutions. For example, they can use Azure Machine Learning to train custom models, Azure Cognitive Services to add additional cognitive abilities and dramatically evolve search capabilities and Azure Data Lake to manage and analyze large amounts of data.

Azure OpenAI Service: intelligent support for developers

For assistance to developers in writing code, Azure OpenAI once relied on Codex, an advanced model based on the same technology based on GPT but for some time now the use of Codex has been officially deprecated within Azure OpenAI.

Microsoft has confirmed that in the Azure OpenAI services, Codex and associated code models will no longer be available to new users and will be gradually phased out for existing users with the deadline for this July.

The focus has in fact shifted to the integration of the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models, which now support most of the programming assistance features previously offered by Codex. The transition to GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 should be fairly smooth, thanks to the resources and supports provided by Azure OpenAI to facilitate this step.

These newer models, such as GPT-4, are able to support a wider variety of programming languages and offer a deeper understanding of code structures and programming logic, thanks to their advanced architecture and learning abilities. This makes them preferable to Codex, which was specifically trained on code datasets but didn't take advantage of the most recent innovations in generative artificial intelligence.

So what are the main features of GPT-4 to assist the work of software developers? Let's see them better below:

  1. Extensive understanding of the language and APIs: GPT-4 can understand and generate code in a wide range of programming languages, including but not limited to Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, PHP, Ruby, and Go. This makes it versatile for projects involving different technologies and it has a detailed knowledge of modern APIs and libraries that facilitate the integration of external tools and services into the code.
  2. Improved code generation: GPT-4 generates code that is not only functionally correct but also adheres to the best programming practices, making the code more readable and maintainable. It can produce both short snippets of code to solve specific problems, and complete solutions for complex problems.
  3. Problem solving assistant: GPT-4 is able to identify and explain errors in the code, suggesting solutions or improvements to solve bugs and performance problems.
  4. Documentation support: GPT-4 can automatically generate explanatory comments and documentation for the code, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain the code and provide detailed explanations of existing blocks of code, useful for reviewing the code or for better understanding its operation.

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Azure OpenAI vs. Microsoft Copilot: What are the differences?

Microsoft Copilot and Azure OpenAI represent the two advanced solutions in the Microsoft ecosystem for integrating artificial intelligence capabilities into your virtual work environment. Although based on the same technologies, the two services are designed for different purposes and offer different functionality to users and companies that want to use them within their digital infrastructures.

For the less experienced, this can lead to a bit of confusion about which of the two is used in which context. So let's see what differentiates them to clarify our ideas once and for all.

Microsoft Copilot is an integrated AI assistant that enhances the use of Microsoft 365 applications, providing support and advanced automation within everyday work contexts. It is based on large language models, such as GPT-4, and is designed to improve user productivity in Microsoft 365 applications.

Azure OpenAI, on the other hand, is a platform within Microsoft Azure that offers advanced AI models for developers and companies, allowing them to create customized and integrated solutions with AI capabilities within their applications.

Copilot is tightly integrated with Microsoft 365 applications and does not require advanced technical skills to be used. It is immediately accessible to Microsoft 365 users as part of their suite of tools while Azure OpenAI, on the contrary, requires a minimum of development skills to be implemented and customized through APIs to integrate into business digital solutions.

Azure OpenAI, by virtue of its versatility and complexity, therefore offers a higher degree of customization and can be scaled to meet the needs of large business projects unlike Copilot which, although it remains extremely powerful as a tool, operates exclusively within the boundaries of Microsoft 365 applications.

Finally, speaking of accessibility to the two services, Copilot is available under a separate license for all holders of Microsoft 365 E3 and E5 licenses, while Azure OpenAI is a consumption-based service on Azure, with costs based on the use of APIs and the computational power needed to run the developed models.

Azure OpenAI Service: use cases and benefits

The integration of Azure OpenAI into business operations offers a wide range of practical applications and strategic advantages. These use cases and benefits range from simplifying internal processes to innovating customer-facing services, supporting companies in their digital transformation.

The automation of repetitive and time-consuming tasks allows companies to allocate human resources to activities with greater added value, significantly increasing productivity and reducing operating costs. In a nutshell, doing much more with less.

Being based on the Azure cloud platform, the service offers significant scalability, albeit within the well-defined limits of current GPT models. Companies can quickly adapt their AI resources to growing needs without having to invest in additional hardware or infrastructure, and seamless integration with other Azure services and Microsoft tools such as Office 365 and Dynamics 365 allows companies to make the most of their current infrastructure and workflows.

Companies that use Azure OpenAI also benefit from Microsoft's extensive technical support and resources. This includes detailed documentation, development tools, tutorials, and a community of experts ready to assist at every step of the AI adoption journey.

And, needless to say, Azure OpenAI offers artificial intelligence solutions that meet the Redmond developer's strict security and compliance standards. Companies can manage sensitive data securely, complying with local and international regulations, such as the GDPR.

The advantages are therefore clear and obvious, but for those who want to understand a little more in practice what possible use cases for Azure OpenAI may be, with a few examples, here is a list of the most common use cases in which Azure OpenAI and its offer can help in satisfying their business needs:

  1. Customer service automation: Companies can use the advanced language models made available to create intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants capable of managing interactions with customers autonomously and in real time. These assistants can answer frequently asked questions, handle complaints, and provide technical support, significantly reducing wait times and improving customer service efficiency.
  2. Create and manage content: With the ability to generate high-quality text, businesses can automate the creation of content for product descriptions, newsletters, and business reports. This not only speeds up content production, but also guarantees consistency and quality, helping businesses to maintain effective communication with their audience.
  3. Data analysis and interpretation: Companies can take advantage of natural language processing capabilities to analyze large volumes of unstructured data, such as customer feedback, online reviews, and internal documentation. This allows you to quickly extract relevant information, identify trends and make decisions based on concrete data, improving responsiveness and strategic effectiveness.
  4. Assisted software development: Using GPT-4, companies can empower their development teams with assisted programming tools. These tools can suggest codes, automate repetitive tasks, and reduce errors, accelerating the development cycle and improving software quality.
  5. Innovation in Sales and Marketing Processes: Azure OpenAI can optimize sales and marketing processes by automating responses to customer requests, generating qualified leads, and personalizing marketing campaigns. This allows companies to respond more quickly to customer needs and to increase their engagement.
  6. Customizing services: Thanks to the analysis of user preferences and behaviors, companies can customize their services more precisely. This translates into more engaging and relevant customer experiences, improving customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Azure OpenAI Pricing: licenses and costs

When it comes to using the Azure OpenAI service, it's critical to understand the different pricing options available. Microsoft has designed the pricing model to be flexible and scalable, adapting to the needs of different types of companies, from startups to large multinationals.

Access to OpenAI services on Azure is provided to users with an active Azure subscription. This allows companies to integrate OpenAI APIs into their systems with a pay-as-you-go licensing model, where you only pay for actual use.

It should be emphasized that, however, the availability of the service may be influenced by the Azure region and that not all regions are covered or offer the full range of AI models made available by the service. If you want to know if your region is covered and which models it provides, you can consult the tables made available by Microsoft (respectively hither and hither).

For organizations with specific needs or that expect intensive use, Microsoft offers customized plans. These plans may include volume-based discounts, usage commitments, and flexible payment terms. Large businesses can negotiate contracts that include both Azure OpenAI and other Azure services, thus optimizing overall costs.

For universities, research labs, and other non-profit organizations, Microsoft offers special plans that provide access to reduced prices or discounts for using Azure OpenAI. This supports innovation and the development of new applications without unduly burdening the often limited budgets of these organizations.

Microsoft also has specific programs for startups that can benefit from free Azure credits, access to mentoring resources, and technical support to help them scale their operations and make the most of Azure OpenAI services.

Pricing for Azure OpenAI is primarily usage-based. This means that the costs vary depending on the amount of resources used: therefore, the type of model used and the size of the operations performed.

The pricing for Azure OpenAI is primarily determined by two factors, which are:

  • Computing unit: Azure charges for the computational resources used, often measured by the number of tokens processed or generated. Tokens are text sequences that represent language units developed by OpenAI models. A token cannot be described with a simple rule but, with a good approximation, it can be said that 100 tokens correspond to about 75 words.
  • Type of model: Different models have different usage costs. For example, more advanced models such as GPT-4 may have a higher cost than less complex models.

It is therefore necessary for each type of business to implement best practices to optimize costs when using Azure OpenAI services and to adopt specific usage strategies tailored to their company.

It is therefore essential for anyone to immediately familiarize themselves with Azure monitoring tools to keep track of the use of resources and associated costs, identify areas where usage could be reduced or efficiency could be optimized.


To close our overview of Azure OpenAI, all we can do is reiterate how it represents a turning point in the management and implementation of artificial intelligence for companies. By integrating the power of OpenAI's advanced AI technologies with the scalable and secure infrastructure of Microsoft Azure, businesses can gain extraordinary tools to digitally transform their operations.

At a time when AI is rapidly becoming an essential component for business success, Azure OpenAI offers the perfect platform to adopt these technologies effectively and securely, and companies willing to give it a chance will not just adopt the latest generation tools for their digital infrastructures.

The range of services offered allows companies to face complex challenges, optimize processes and innovate in their sectors, and the models made available can not only help every type of business to remain competitive in its market sector, but they also prepare to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the global technological landscape.

All that remains is to invite you to use the convenient calculation tool offered by Microsoft to estimate the specific costs for your company based on geographical area, currency used for payment and length of use of each of the services that can be used (calculated by hours or by months) and find the most suitable employment solution for your needs.

FAQ on Azure OpenAI Service

What is Azure OpenAI Service?

Azure OpenAI Service is a platform provided by Microsoft that integrates OpenAI's advanced AI models, such as GPT-4, into the Azure cloud infrastructure. It allows developers to leverage these models for tasks like natural language processing, text generation, and machine learning, facilitating the creation of AI-powered applications.

How can businesses use Azure OpenAI Service?

Businesses can use Azure OpenAI Service for automating customer service, generating content, analyzing data, and supporting software development. The service helps improve efficiency and enables the creation of custom AI solutions.

What are the benefits of Azure OpenAI Service for developers?

Azure OpenAI Service offers developers tools to enhance programming tasks, such as code generation, problem-solving assistance, and automatic documentation. It supports a wide range of programming languages and helps improve code quality and productivity.

How does Azure OpenAI Service differ from Microsoft Copilot?

Azure OpenAI Service is a versatile platform for developers to integrate AI into their applications, requiring some technical skills. Microsoft Copilot, on the other hand, is an AI assistant embedded within Microsoft 365 applications, designed to enhance productivity without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

What pricing options are available for Azure OpenAI Service?

Azure OpenAI Service operates on a pay-as-you-go model, with costs based on usage, such as the number of tokens processed and the type of AI model used. Microsoft offers customized pricing plans for large enterprises, startups, and non-profit organizations, ensuring flexibility and scalability.

How does Azure OpenAI Service support AI-based content generation?

Azure OpenAI Service utilizes models like GPT-4 to automatically generate high-quality text content. This capability is useful for creating automated responses, product descriptions, newsletters, and business reports, enhancing communication efficiency.

What role does Azure OpenAI Service play in customer service automation?

Azure OpenAI Service enables the creation of intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants that can handle customer interactions autonomously, reducing wait times and improving the overall efficiency of customer service operations.

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