Facebook Workplace: What it is, why it closes, and alternatives

Meta announced the closure of Facebook Workplace, the platform that since 2017 has tried to revolutionize business communication with tools similar to those of the homonymous social network. Despite some initial success, Workplace failed to compete with industry giants such as Microsoft and Slack, prompting Meta to focus its resources elsewhere. In this article, we will explore the reasons for the closure of Facebook Workplace, we will analyze the alternatives available to companies and we will see why more and more companies are migrating to Microsoft Viva, one of the most innovative solutions to ensure business growth through the employee experience.

What you'll find in this article

  • What is Facebook Workplace
  • How Facebook Workplace works
  • Closure of Facebook Workplace: What are the reasons?
  • Closure of Facebook Workplace: What are the alternatives?
  • Facebook Workplace: Why migrate to Microsoft Viva?
  • How to migrate from Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva
Facebook Workplace: What it is, why it closes, and alternatives

What is Facebook Workplace

Facebook Workplace (also Meta Workplace) is the platform designed for improve business communication, taking advantage of features similar to those of the homonymous social media.

It represents the first attempt with which Mark Zuckerberg's reality wanted to present itself on the market as a company that produces business software, trying to compete with the solutions offered by leading companies such as Microsoft and Slack.

To distinguish it from competing products, Facebook Workplace was immediately presented as all-in-one platform, capable of improving the internal and external communication of an organization through features such as chats, video calls, live streaming events and personalized groups.

Many of these features derive precisely from the original Facebook, but have undergone a transformation to better adapt to the environment and the purposes of a company. For example, the groups And the chatroom of Workplace are able to host the contents and conversations exchanged by colleagues who are part of a specific project, of the same department or of a business initiative.

A second example concerns the Live streaming, daughters of Facebook's live shows, which have been updated to transmit in a more controlled way all the events of an organization, from global meetings to video conferences.

Since its launch in 2017, Meta's goal was therefore to leave the sphere of personal communication to replicate the success of its social media in the corporate world and Overtake Microsoft like this, which has always held the podium thanks to solutions such as SharePoint, Teams and, more recently, the Viva suite.

Although Facebook Workplace has managed to retain about 7 million users over time, it has not obtained the necessary visibility to reach its competitors. As a result, Meta made the decision to Close the platform to concentrate investments in more promising fields, including artificial intelligence.

Companies that currently use Facebook Workplace will therefore have to find an alternative solution for managing internal communication and, ironically, many of these companies are already migrating to the Microsoft ecosystem, with a particular interest in Microsoft Viva.

In this article, we'll dive deeper into these events, starting with a detailed overview of Facebook Workplace. This will serve to be able to make a comparison with the platforms that may replace it within organizations and, in particular, to understand why the best alternative is represented by Microsoft's Viva suite.

It should also be emphasized that the transition from Facebook Workplace to the Microsoft ecosystem requires careful planning.

For this reason, our experts have specialized in the adoption of Microsoft Viva, already supporting dozens of customers in the migration process before the definitive closure of Facebook Workplace. We talk about it in our project ”From Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva: how to migrate?” and at the end of this article.

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Facebook Workplace overview

How Facebook Workplace works

Facebook Workplace was born as an extremely intuitive platform, since its main functions were designed starting from those of the homonymous social media. Gli real-time communication tools, such as video conferencing and instant messaging, are in fact the same as those that characterize the original Facebook platform, even if Declined for companies.

This is a purely strategic choice, which has made it possible both to accelerate the development of the corporate version of Facebook and to offer companies a product familiar enough not to require specific user training.

However, the Facebook Workplace features have important updates, designed to simplify both internal and external communication of companies. Let's see them below.

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Facebook Workplace chats

Workplace Chat, the messaging feature integrated into Facebook Workplace, is designed to facilitate communication in real time between the people and teams of an organization. Similar to Facebook Messenger, but oriented to the work environment, the Workplace chat allows you to:

  • Share messages and multimedia content
  • Start audio and video calls
  • Quickly find information

Regarding the last point, the chat has the functionality of advanced search that allow you to retrieve messages and documents shared within an individual or group conversation. An additional important function is the ability to set a state of availability, similar to Microsoft Teams, to be able to communicate to colleagues if you are free, busy or on a break and thus better manage your activities (and concentration) during working days.

Being fully integrated with the Facebook Workplace environment, everything that happens in the chat is automatically synchronized with the other tools on the platform, including groups and shared files. Le notifications they are also used to keep users updated on the latest communications, both on desktop and on mobile devices through the dedicated app.

Security side, conversations are Encrypted to ensure the privacy of the data exchanged in chats and prevent access by unauthorized users. This level of encryption ensures that only enabled users can view content, preventing sensitive information from being exposed even within the organization.

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Facebook Workplace chats

Facebook Workplace profile

The personal Facebook Workplace profile is an interesting support for Introduce yourself to colleagues and be found within the company network. In fact, in the profile, it is possible to enter information such as:

  • Personal data
  • Role in the company
  • Department to which they belong
  • Contact methods (e.g. email and telephone)

Users have the opportunity to share more personal information, not only to enrich their profile, but also to facilitate the connection with colleagues who may need an expert with specific skills.

The personal profile can then house details related to:

  • Competencies
  • Work experience
  • Professional training
  • Language certifications

Facebook Workplace also allows you to contact colleagues directly from their profile thanks to the integration with the chat and the related video call functionality.

Finally, Workplace administrators can configure the visibility of information contained in the profile, ensuring that personal data is securely shared within the organization. Among this information, we do not only find the data that we have listed so far. In fact, the profile can show the History of recent activities, including posts and comments published in the various working groups.

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Personal profile in Facebook Workplace

Facebook Workplace groups

Groups are at the heart of collaboration in Facebook Workplace.

Let's start by saying that users can create groups based on different purposes. For example, to centralize the communication flow of a project team, department, or business community, choosing from the 'Public', 'Private' and 'Hidden' options. Here's what changes:

Public group

  • Access: Anyone in the organization with access to Workplace can find the group and see its contents. Even if they're not part of it, users can view the group's posts, members, and activities.
  • Enrollment: Anyone can join the group without asking for approval.

Private group

  • Access: Only members of the group can see the content. However, the group can still be found through the Facebook Workplace search. Basic information, such as the group name, description, and members, is visible, but not posts or activities.
  • Enrollment: An administrator's approval or invitation is required.

Hidden group

  • Access: the group does not appear in search results and no one outside the members can see that it exists, together with the contents or members that are part of it.
  • Enrollment: only existing members can invite other users and access is controlled by administrators.

Within groups, collaboration is immediate thanks to the possibility of sharing posts, updates, files and links, while the comment section and reactions typical of a social media make it possible to exchange instant feedback.

Users receive notifications about the most important updates and can use the function “@menzione” to attract the attention of specific colleagues and receive a response in a short time.

Virtual meetings are also supported, allowing users to start live streams or use Workplace Rooms to organize interactive video conferences with a selected audience or with the entire organization.

Each group has a well-defined management structure, with administrators and moderators who oversee activities, approve new members and moderate content to ensure that conversations are on-topic and compliant with company policies.

As with the chat, even in groups the search for information is simplified. This is thanks to theUse of tags with which users can accompany their posts, so as to categorize them according to the topic covered and index them in search for individual keywords.

Finally, when a group is no longer active, the company has the option to Archive it, while keeping the contents accessible for possible future consultations.

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Facebook Workplace groups

Facebook Workplace live events

This Facebook Workplace feature is designed to improve internal communication through Live streaming of corporate events Like:

  • Refresher sessions by management
  • Training webinars and workshops
  • Launch of new products
  • Anniversaries

During the live broadcast, Can spectators be involved and use the event chat to comment and ask the speakers questions. However, the live chat conversation is managed by users with moderation permission, in order to ensure that questions and comments are relevant, respectful and in line with the topics covered. I moderators they can filter inappropriate messages, answer frequently asked questions, or direct comments to relevant speakers.

It is also important to emphasize that the live events are accessible from any device, both desktop and mobile, and can be made available for asynchronous viewing through registration, guaranteeing the company to reach even those who cannot participate in the live broadcast.

Once the event is over, the company can access the Report which provides a detailed overview of the impact of the broadcast, considering the number of viewers, the level of interaction and the average viewing time per user.

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Facebook Workplace live events

Facebook Workplace News Feed

As in the social version of Facebook, the Workplace News Feed offers a continuous flow of updates from their groups and colleagues. Users can scroll to see the latest communications about projects, events, and discussions in their business network. But not only that.

Using an intelligent algorithm, the News Feed personalize the contents based on user interactions, their participation in groups and the importance of the communications received (for example considering the role of the person who published them).

Updates can range from simple text posts to multimedia content such as images, videos, or links to external business resources. Interactive functions such as surveys and question and answer sessions they encourage participation and can help management to make the decision-making process more collaborative. Gli Hashtags, widely used in any social media, also allow the Workplace News Feed to categorize information by topic, making it easier to search and organize content.

A particularly useful feature of the News Feed is the ability to view proclamations. These are contents that can be fixed at the top of the page, to ensure that all users are always informed about what is important happening in the company.

Users then have the option to interact with content through reactions, comments and shares. In addition, they can filter communication based on:

  • Specific groups
  • Posts not yet read
  • High-priority ads

Available on both desktop and mobile devices, the News Feed allows flexible access to information, keeping members of an organization always connected and updated, no matter where they are. In addition, administrators can monitor the effectiveness of communications with analysis functionality for engagement and visibility of posts.

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Facebook Workplace News Feed

Closure of Facebook Workplace: What are the reasons?

Meta decided to shut down Facebook Workplace for a variety of strategic and market reasons.

First, despite its initial success, the new platform for business communication failed to achieve the visibility of products like Microsoft Teams and Slack.

Second, the growth of Workplace, which has retained about 7 million users since 2017, has not met the expectations of the parent company. As a result, Meta has recently started to shift its focus and resources to Metaverse and artificial intelligence.

This decision reflects a change in strategic focus for Meta, which has chosen to invest in areas that they promise a greater return in the long term, leaving aside Facebook Workplace, which, despite having played an important role in improving the communication of many companies, was no longer a priority.

The closing, scheduled for August 2025, marks the end of a project that has failed to maintain a competitive position in a market increasingly dominated by platforms that promote productivity and integration with all business systems.

Closure of Facebook Workplace: What are the alternatives?

With the closure of Facebook Workplace, loyal companies are now focusing their energies on finding the right alternative.

Microsoft Teams It is among the most popular options, thanks to its deep integration with all Microsoft products and advanced features for instant messaging, video calls, task management and file sharing, to name a few.

Another solution of great interest is Slack, a flexible platform that focuses on real-time communication and the possibility of integrating third-party tools to simplify not only communication, but also other business processes.

Finally, Microsoft Viva is emerging as a prominent alternative, focusing on the integration of communication, training, goal management and well-being within a single platform that aims to improveEmployee Experience, now considered as the key to continuous and sustainable business growth.

For this reason and because of the native integration with Microsoft 365, more and more companies are deciding to replace Workplace with Microsoft Viva and to rely on consultants like our experts to migrate data safely. But we'll talk about this in our success story ”From Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva: how to migrate?” and later in this article.

Let's now focus on the main solutions that dot the landscape of alternatives to Facebook Workplace. Let's dive into them below, making a direct comparison with the features and advantages offered by the Meta platform.

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Migrate from Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva with Dev4Side

Facebook Workplace vs Slack

Slack is ideal for companies that need numerous third-party integrations and structured business management, while Workplace was designed for companies that wanted to adopt a Facebook-style social environment and organize larger events.

Here's a deeper look at the differences between Workplace and Slack.

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Slack overview

Communication features

  • Slack focuses on real-time messaging through channels and direct messages. Conversations can be organized in Threads, so you don't lose focus on the main topic. It stands out for its numerous integrations, with more than 2,400 apps available. In the free version, it is possible to implement only 10 integrations, while the paid plans obviously exceed this limitation.
  • Facebook Workplace integrates features similar to those of the homonymous social media, such as the News Feed, live streams and personal profiles, making the user experience more familiar and intuitive. It is particularly suitable for large scale communication. Finally, it offers fewer integrations than Slack to focus on user collaboration.

Activity management capabilities

  • Slack provides the Actions function, with which users can create, assign and update activities related to a project directly on the platform. You can also integrate task management apps like Trello or Asana.
  • Facebook Workplace does not allow you to manage personal or team activities natively, requiring the use of external tools.


  • Slack offers one-to-one video and audio calls in the free version, while for group calls (up to 15 participants) a paid plan is required.
  • Facebook Workplace allows you to organize and manage large video conferences (up to 50 participants), even in the free version.

Search and share files

  • Slack is known for its advanced search function, which allows you to search not only in messages, but also within shared files. It should be noted, however, that the message history is limited to 90 days in the free version.
  • Facebook Workplace offers unlimited file storage, but lacks Slack's advanced search capabilities, making it harder to find information within conversations and shared documents.

Facebook Workplace vs Google Workspace

If Facebook Workplace was perfect for improving internal communication with particular attention to interaction between colleagues, Google Workspace presents itself as a broader solution, also offering specific functionality for productivity and document management.

Let's take a closer look at the differences between Workplace and Workspace.

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Overview of Google Workspace

Structure and purpose of the platform

  • Google Workspace is a suite of cloud tools that focuses on productivity and document management. It includes applications such as Gmail, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Calendar, designed to facilitate real-time collaboration and centralized management of files and communications.
  • Facebook Workplace is oriented to internal communication, inspired by the social media format, using tools such as the News Feed, groups, chats, and calls. It is designed to facilitate the connection between users, the sharing of quick updates and the exchange of communications in a more informal way.

Key features

  • Google Workspace offers a more complete experience for creating and managing documents, spreadsheets and presentations, thanks to the applications that make up the suite. It stands out for its ability to manage personalized business mailboxes and for its excellent integration with other Google platforms.
  • Facebook Workplace focuses on communication and collaboration through real-time and asynchronous conversations, within a platform that recalls the user experience of the homonymous social media. It provides advanced features for receiving news relevant to your role, creating surveys, analyzing engagement at corporate events and indexing personal profiles to immediately find useful contacts in the company.

Facebook Workplace vs Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams doesn't need an introduction. Although some of its features can be found in Workplace, it is interesting to mention the fact that numerous companies have decided to integrate the two solutions to improve communication and activity management, with an eye on integration with their digital workplace based on Microsoft 365.

This is why, with the closure of Facebook Workplace, Microsoft Teams immediately gained ground (although, as we shall see, Microsoft offers an even more complete alternative).

But what sets Facebook Workplace apart from Microsoft Teams? We see it here.

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Overview of Microsoft Teams

Purpose of the platform

  • Microsoft Teams is primarily designed as a productivity tool integrated within the Microsoft 365 package. It excels at project management, file sharing, and collaboration between members of a business team, offering features such as document co-creation, calendar integration, and video conferencing. Its goal is to improve communication and productivity in the company, through a native integration with applications such as SharePoint, OneDrive and Planner.
  • Facebook Workplace focuses on creating a business community. It excels in connecting colleagues, wherever they are, and in making internal communication more direct, engaging and personal.

User experience

  • Microsoft Teams offers a more formal and structured environment, focused on organized channels and advanced collaboration tools to manage communication and work flows within an organization. It is the leading application for real-time collaboration, for both chats and video calls and shared activities and documents.
  • Facebook Workplace has a more informal structure, similar to the original Facebook experience. It lends itself to sharing updates and promoting engagement.

Target audience

  • Microsoft Teams is widely used for remote team collaboration, providing advanced tools to manage activities, share news and updates and draft business documents even asynchronously.
  • Facebook Workplace was useful for companies that wanted to promote a culture based on transparency, interaction and direct communication between management and workers.

Facebook Workplace vs Yammer (now Viva Engage)

As we have seen, Workplace offers an interface very familiar to that of Facebook, making adoption easier for users who know the social platform. It's especially effective for sharing news, organizing groups, and managing live events.

Its social features, such as comments, reactions and live streaming, encourage active participation and interaction between all levels of the organization.

Microsoft Yammer, on the other hand, is more focused on creating a”corporate social network“that encourages cross-cutting collaboration, knowledge sharing and creation of internal professional communities. It is ideal for large organizations that need an open communication channel, with public or semi-public conversations.

Although the interface isn't as social-friendly as Workplace's, Yammer is deeply integrated with the rest of the Microsoft 365 suite, including products like Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive. This makes it a natural choice for those who already use the Microsoft ecosystem.

However, it is important to note that Yammer is now Viva Engage.

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Overview of Yammer (now Viva Engage)

The rebranding decision that transformed Microsoft Yammer into Viva Engage reflects the evolution of business needs and Microsoft's strategic vision towards a more connected and integrated work ecosystem.

Yammer, born as a corporate social network platform, has played a crucial role in facilitating communication and collaboration within organizations. However, with the advent of Microsoft Viva, a suite dedicated to improving the employee experience, it became evident that need for a more holistic approach to corporate communication.

Viva Engage embodies this transformation, not only through a change of name, but with an evolution of its functionalities to better align with the new dynamics of digital work.

With additional functionality for the involvement of leadership, information management and Engagement analysis, Viva Engage differs from Yammer by focusing on a more integrated and strategic approach to business communication.

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Tools for analyzing engagement in Viva Engage

While Yammer was focused on internal social communication, Viva Engage therefore benefits from a larger and interconnected ecosystem that aspires to improve the experience of all people in the company, going beyond simple interaction between colleagues.

One of the main advantages of integrating with the rest of Viva products lies in the synergy with Viva Connections, a platform that centralizes access to resources, news and business communications relevant to the individual user. In fact, this synergy makes it possible to generate an uninterrupted workflow and communication, bringing together in a single interface the posts, announcements, polls and updates from Viva Engage and the SharePoint intranet.

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Viva Engage posts in the Viva Connections Company Feed

Facebook Workplace: Why migrate to Microsoft Viva?

Microsoft Viva not only facilitates internal communication, but it integrates natively with Microsoft 365 applications for optimize internal processes by focusing on the employee experience. In fact, it provides access to advanced tools for the well-being and productivity of workers, with specific modules for:

  • Competence management
  • Continuous training
  • Engagement

These tools are often limited in Facebook Workplace.

Microsoft Viva also includes modules such as:

  • Viva Connections, which centralizes access to business resources;
  • Viva Insights, which analyzes work models to improve internal organization;
  • Viva Learning, which makes it possible to integrate training into everyday professional life;
  • Viva Goals, with which it is possible to manage and monitor business, team and individual strategies.

The migration from Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva is therefore not only a simple change in technology, but aopportunity to redesign corporate culture around a more modern and collaborative work system, which puts the well-being and development of people at the center of its growth strategy.

How to migrate from Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva

Dev4Side can assist your company in migrating from Meta Workplace to Microsoft Viva thanks to a personalized and proven approach which guarantees secure data transfer and rapid adoption of the new platform.

Our vertical expertise on Microsoft technology allows us to better manage the integration of data from Workplace with the digital workplace based on Microsoft 365.

But we are not limited to a simple technical transition: we give importance to the human aspect of migration, providing support in preparing staff for the use of Microsoft Viva through targeted training programs.

Finally, we ensure that the migration is carried out in a gradual and controlled manner, with the aim of minimize the risk of data loss or interruptions in the workflow.

For more information on our approach and the advantages of adopting the Viva suite, please refer to reading the project ”From Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva: how to migrate?”.

FAQ on Facebook Workplace

What is Facebook Workplace?

Facebook Workplace is a platform designed to improve business communication by using familiar tools like chats, video calls, and live streams, based on Facebook's interface. It enables collaboration through personalized groups and secure communication.

Why is Facebook Workplace closing?

Meta is closing Facebook Workplace due to limited growth and competition from platforms like Microsoft Teams and Slack. The company is shifting its focus to areas like artificial intelligence and the Metaverse.

What are the alternatives to Facebook Workplace?

Popular alternatives include Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Microsoft Viva, which offer similar communication and collaboration features with better integration and productivity tools.

Why should businesses migrate from Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva?

Microsoft Viva integrates with Microsoft 365 and offers tools focused on employee experience, well-being, and productivity, making it a strong alternative for companies using Facebook Workplace.

How can businesses migrate from Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva?

Companies can migrate from Facebook Workplace to Microsoft Viva with the help of our experts, ensuring secure data transfer and user training to optimize adoption and minimize workflow disruption.

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