Power BI examples, including functionality and use cases

Microsoft Power BI is a first-tier business intelligence solution, celebrated for its sophisticated data visualization capabilities, analytical power, and collaborative capabilities. Here we will explore the main features of Power BI, delving into practical examples and real use cases that various organizations have implemented to improve their operational efficiency.

What you'll find in this article

  • Power BI examples: the main functionalities
  • What licenses are available for Power BI
  • Power BI examples: interesting use cases
Power BI examples, including functionality and use cases

Power BI examples: the main functionalities

Microsoft Power BI represents one of the leading solutions in the field of business intelligence. This platform offers an intuitive interface, making complex analyses accessible even to less experienced users. Its main function is to collect and consolidate data from various sources, allowing a quick and precise analysis.

Thanks to its advanced artificial intelligence capabilities, Power BI is able to reveal detailed insights. In addition, the platform benefits from the robustness and high performance guaranteed by the Power Platform and Azure infrastructure, thus ensuring a high level of security and reliability.

Before we dive into analyzing some case studies and Power BI Examples, let's see what you can do with this tool.

Data visualization

The transformation of data into visual elements such as charts, charts, and other graphical representations is known as data visualization. This technique allows for a more intuitive and effective understanding of the data, facilitating better analysis and insights.

Power BI offers a wide range of data visualization capabilities, such as charts, charts, tables, and various other options. These capabilities help you understand complex data sets, establish connections between distinct data points, and quickly and accurately recognize patterns and trends, as we'll see later in some examples of using Power BI.

Data analysis

Power BI facilitates comprehensive data analysis by allowing users to segment, explore and filter their data, focusing only on the most relevant points.

The Query Editor in Power BI allows users to create interactive data queries, transforming and modeling data from various sources. It includes functionality to clean, filter, merge and combine data, ensuring the creation of a cohesive and accurate dataset for analysis. This functionality is crucial for obtaining valuable insights from different data sources.

To obtain meaningful insights, it is essential to work with the most up-to-date data. Power BI supports this by connecting to real-time data sources and offering dynamic visualizations. This ability helps you monitor key metrics and performance indicators in real time, providing an accurate snapshot of your business and effectively addressing current issues.

In addition, Power BI allows you to set alerts and notifications based on predefined thresholds or data conditions. These alerts can be sent via email or mobile notifications, keeping you informed of changes or critical events as they occur and allowing for timely responses.

Overview of a report in Power BI

Data models

Power BI allows you to create calculated columns and measures using the DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) language. This gives you the flexibility to define calculations, aggregations, and business logic customized to your specific needs, supporting more informed decisions.

In Power BI, you can organize your data into hierarchical structures, such as year, quarter, month, and day. This organization allows users to navigate through these layers, facilitating a detailed exploration of the data. By going down to these levels, users can perform deeper analysis and gain insights at varying degrees of detail.


One of the main advantages of Power BI is its strong collaboration capability, which sets it apart from many other data analysis platforms. It allows multiple users to work simultaneously on the same report or dashboard, encouraging interaction through comments, questions and sharing insights. In addition, the ability to distribute entire dashboards and reports makes it easier to improve teamwork and share information.

Power BI Service enhances collaboration with features such as content packs, workspaces, and data-driven alerts. The content packs offer ready-to-use dashboards and reports, simplifying access to essential data. Workspaces serve as centralized hubs for team interaction, facilitating effective collaboration. By integrating these capabilities, teams can pool their expertise, leading to more informed decisions based on comprehensive data insights.

Data protection

Power BI adopts strict security protocols to protect your sensitive information. By configuring user roles, you can regulate access, granting data visibility only to authorized users. This ensures that the data remains protected and is accessible only to those with the right authorization.

Power BI guarantees robust protection for your data by encrypting it both during storage and transmission. This means that your connections, storage, and data transfers are all protected through encryption, safeguarding your information from potential external security threats.

Power BI stands out in data governance by offering features such as data genealogies, classification, and sensitivity labels. These features simplify the application of data governance policies and help maintain compliance with regulatory requirements.

Ensuring business data security in Power BI

What licenses are available for Power BI

Surely you have wondered what are the tools and programs that make up the Microsoft Power BI suite. Let's look at the three different Power BI licenses together one by one: Free, Pro and Premium.

Power BI Free (Desktop)

Power BI Free, also known as Power BI Desktop, is the free version of the software available for direct download from the Microsoft Store. This edition allows both individuals and businesses to access the powerful capabilities of Power BI without any financial investment. Users can quickly install the application and start developing visualizations and dashboards with their organization's data.

Power BI Free offers almost all the functionality available in the Power BI Service. This edition allows users to connect to various data sources, perform data transformations, and generate comprehensive dashboards and reports, including tables, graphs, and diagrams.

Power BI Free has an individual license with some limitations, including a storage limit of 10 GB per user. This allows users to use the software within these specified limits.

Power BI Free includes a large set of filters and visualization tools, allowing users to connect and import data from both cloud and local sources, and to create reports and dashboards. Users can also upload their reports online and view content shared by those who hold Power BI Pro or Premium licenses, provided that the shared content is within the workspace of a Premium licensee.

Creating a report in Power BI Desktop

Power BI Pro

Power BI Pro offers a wide range of features designed for professionals who want to take full advantage of the Power BI ecosystem. Like the free version, it is available as an individual license for each user.

The main difference between Power BI Free and Power BI Pro lies in the sharing capabilities. Power BI Pro allows users to share data, reports, and dashboards with other Pro license holders and create App workspaces. Although both versions have a storage limit of 10 GB, individual files are limited to a maximum of 1 GB.

Power BI Pro improves connectivity by allowing users to automatically access and update various local data sets. If your data is stored on-premises instead of in the cloud, you can connect and analyze it without problems. For example, you can integrate with an on-premises SQL database. This version allows for efficient scheduling of data updates, ensuring that your team is always working with the most up-to-date data.

Power BI Pro users have the ability to share data, reports and dashboards, as well as publish applications and content packages protected with RLS Security, but this option is limited to other Pro license holders. To allow users without a Power BI Pro license to access these resources, you must upgrade to Power BI Premium.

Accessing reports anytime and on any device with Power BI Pro

Power BI Premium

Power BI Premium has two modes: by capacity and per user. The Premium Capacity mode, unlike the one per user, offers the possibility of sharing Power BI content with external people who do not have an individual license. While both modes offer a wide range of functionality, it's this distinction that defines the mode's unique value for Capacity.

The Premium for User and Premium for Capacity options offer all the features of Power BI Free and Pro licenses and enable content sharing. However, the Premium version of Power BI also includes a number of exclusive additional features.

To adopt Power BI Premium, organizations must ensure that certain users have Power BI Pro licenses, since development, collaboration, and administration functions are primarily managed through these licenses. Power BI Premium, in fact, is designed to expand and improve the capabilities offered by Power BI Pro, thus offering significant added value.

An important feature of Power BI Premium is the presence of Power BI Report Server, the much desired on-premises solution. In addition, Power BI Premium allows the sharing of reports and dashboards not only with members of the organization, but also with external users.

Premium subscriptions include advanced tools for AI modeling, allowing for text analysis, image recognition, and machine learning automation. These powerful capabilities are fully integrated into the Power BI software, offering a seamless analysis and automation experience.

Data analysis with Power BI Premium

Need a hand with PowerBI reports?

Dev4Side Software specializes in creating customized reports through Microsoft Power BI, transforming complex data into intuitive dashboards and reports to support informed business decisions.

Operating vertically across the entire Microsoft Power Platform ecosystem, we have developed excellent expertise in Power BI, allowing us to offer business intelligence solutions that highlight critical insights and promote operational efficiency.

Find out how we can help you make the most of your data. Contact us to transform business information into concrete actions.

Power BI examples: interesting use cases

To understand the impact of Power BI, it is necessary to examine how it has been applied by practically different organizations. Looking deeper into these case studies, we can see the wide range of ways in which Microsoft's tool is used to solve business problems. These real-world examples reveal its adaptability and effectiveness, offering a clearer picture of how Power BI supports data-driven decisions and improves operational efficiency.

Human Resources recruiting process

As a first Power BI example, let's consider a company's human resources recruitment process. This was once completely paper-based, requiring the management of large amounts of data through Excel spreadsheets. Not only was this approach inefficient and error-prone, but it also left little time to properly analyze the important information collected.

As part of their modernization initiative, the ultimate goal was to adopt new technologies to simplify data collection and analysis. In addition, the creation of comprehensive reports has been required to aid in predicting future trends.

To align with the company's existing systems of this Power BI example, the implementation of Power BI was proposed for their reporting needs. A series of reports with attractive visualizations have been created. These reports have been designed to be highly accessible, allowing users of all levels to easily understand and interpret key information with a simple review.

The reports included essential metrics such as recruitment totals over different periods and the average cost to the company (CTC) both offered and expected by the candidates. Each report had built-in filters for specific time frames, such as from April 2016 to March 2017. A separate report was also created that facilitated comparisons between candidates based on factors such as salary, educational background, and experience.

Whenever necessary, the drill-down functionality in the reports was integrated, allowing the company to quickly identify the top 10 recruitment sources and the 10 main reasons why candidates had left their previous employers.

By taking advantage of this data, the company was able to refine its policy and reduce employee abandonment rates. They have established a reference score for written tests to better evaluate candidates. Numerous reports have been generated to highlight trends based on this valuable information.

Understanding trends such as salary expectations related to experience levels and technical skills has proved crucial to adapt annual wage increases for their employees. In addition, they have acquired detailed data on candidates with specialized technological skills. These insights have contributed to a number of ongoing benefits.


Let's continue with another example of Power BI and case study, that of a healthcare facility that needed predictive analysis and forecasts on various aspects of their operations. They chose Power BI because of its flexibility and the wide range of reporting options it offers.

Given the wide reach of the healthcare sector, a significant number of reports have been required to be created. The initial focus was on answering fundamental questions related to patient data.

Reports have been created with essential indicators that have allowed the hospital management to answer crucial questions. These reports also offered forecasts on various factors, including the number of doctors and staff needed at certain times, expected drug inventory levels, and the need to involve outside specialists.

Various analyses were carried out, focusing on the financial aspects of the resources and the profits generated. Among these, specific reports have been addressed to the interests of payers and blood donors. An often overlooked topic is the study of epidemics. To fill this gap, a comprehensive report has been created that examines epidemic trends and predicts future demand for resources and personnel.

The reports included a variety of visualizations for ease of understanding, with a relaxing color palette for a pleasing look. Constant efforts were made to update these reports, ensuring that hospital management always had the most up-to-date information available.

Real estate sector

Globally, real estate is one of the most prominent sectors and therefore a great case study of a Power BI example. Growth in this field is expected in residential, commercial and retail markets, driven primarily by the proliferation of nuclear families, rapid urbanization, and rising household incomes.

Therefore, it is crucial that real estate agents consider their actions and the consequences that result from them. Agents would find it advantageous if visual tools could respond to their questions immediately.

The solution is to ask yourself the right questions to analyze the data:

  • Number of contracts
  • Average duration of a contract
  • Total expense associated with each contract
  • Breakdown of contracts by type
  • Geographic location of contracts
  • Number of contracts concluded in each year
  • Number of expired contracts and their suppliers
  • Total expense on expired contracts
  • Amount of active contracts classified by duration
  • Number of contracts classified by country and supplier
  • Details on contracts based on billing frequency, payment methods and duration
  • Information on contracts regarding the average cost, the type of tender and the offers

Airport data analysis

The objective of the Data Analysis for the Airport Authority project is to provide a detailed summary of essential airport metrics. The dashboard of this Power BI example will consolidate data such as the total number of flights (arrivals and departures), flight delays (both arriving and departing), ground processing times, and passenger feedback into a single summary page. This information will allow airport management to make informed and timely decisions during flight changes, emergencies or delays.

To support this project, it is necessary to use a dataset that covers information on airlines in a given time interval (for example 2013-2023), offering a complete view of delays and cancellations over an interval of years for advanced time series analysis.

To analyze flight data, consider using Power BI's visualization features such as flow maps, tornado charts, treemaps, bar charts, and cards. For presenting passenger feedback, bar charts, column charts, and cards are ideal choices.


Covid-19 analysis

Let's move on to the last Power BI Example. A popular project concept in Power BI is the Covid-19 Insights Analysis. This project is created to offer an in-depth exploration of the crucial data of the pandemic, highlighting current trends and providing detailed assessments by country.

You can design a dashboard that provides essential information on Covid-19 cases, covering counts of active, deceased and recovered cases, along with mortality and recovery rates for different countries and periods.

The dashboard could also include a management summary that shows the main performance indicators (KPIs) and a complete analysis through detailed report sections.

In this Power BI Example, you should choose bar charts, point maps, line charts, and column charts to create an overview page. For a detailed analysis of cases by category, donut charts are effective, while decomposition trees can be used to examine cases by country. To further enrich the visual presentation of your dashboard, consider integrating heat maps.



The various Power BI examples and case studies explored in this article highlight how Power BI acts as a catalyst for business transformation in different industries. By allowing organizations to convert raw data into useful information, Power BI facilitates more informed decisions, improves operational efficiency, and drives strategic growth.

From the simplification of human resource recruitment processes to the advancement of health analysis, from the optimization of real estate operations to the improvement of airport management, from these Power BI examples we have demonstrated the adaptability and power of the Microsoft tool. Its comprehensive capabilities, such as sophisticated data visualizations, real-time data analysis, and collaborative tools, equip companies with the capabilities needed to remain competitive in a data-driven world.

Ultimately, Power BI is more than just a business intelligence tool; it's a facilitator of innovation and strategic progress. As companies continue to face the challenges and opportunities of the digital age, harnessing Power BI will be essential to unlock new possibilities and achieve sustained success. By integrating Power BI into their operations, organizations can fully exploit the potential of their data, driving transformative results and positioning themselves for future growth.

FAQ on Power BI's features and use cases

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a business intelligence tool from Microsoft that helps users visualize and analyze data from different sources.

What are the main features of Power BI?

Data visualization, real-time analysis, data modeling, collaboration, and data security.

What types of licenses are available for Power BI?

Power BI Free (Desktop), Power BI Pro, and Power BI Premium.

Can Power BI be used in different industries?

Yes, Power BI is applicable in sectors such as human resources, healthcare, real estate, and others to make decisions that are always based on data.

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