SharePoint Online: What it is, features, and development services

SharePoint Online is the cloud-based version available as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) of the Microsoft web platform, which has been at the forefront of corporate intranet development since 2001. In this article, we will explore what SharePoint Online is, the differences with its On-Premise version, the unique characteristics that define the structure of websites developed with SharePoint Online, closing with a look at the prices and why choose a partner that can help us in the development and management of web solutions for our digital infrastructures.

What you'll find in this article

  • What is SharePoint Online
  • SharePoint Online vs. On-Premise: What's the difference?
  • SharePoint Online: communication sites, Hubs and flat networks
  • SharePoint Online: adaptability to mobile devices
  • SharePoint Online: integrations with other Microsoft 365 applications
  • SharePoint Online Development Services: What are they?
  • SharePoint Online Development Services: What are the benefits?
  • SharePoint Online Licensing, and How to Optimize Costs
SharePoint Online: What it is, features, and development services

What is SharePoint Online

Microsoft SharePoint It is a Microsoft collaboration tool used mainly in the workplace for content management, electronic document management and knowledge sharing. SharePoint is a centralized and secure web platform that allows workgroups to collaborate, manage data, and improve efficiency. SharePoint is currently used by more than 200,000 companies to build and manage intranets and corporate digital work environments thanks to its collaborative capabilities.

The platform's many features make it much easier for people to work together on ad hoc projects and establish standard business processes for sharing information, publishing documents and recording data.

SharePoint Online It is nothing more than a version of SharePoint alternative to the version that can be installed on a local server (known as On-Premise or Server). Cloud-based and available as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), just like its On-Premises counterpart, it allows users to store, share and manage content fluidly using Microsoft's powerful servers as a support base, thus greatly simplifying and economizing the process of implementing the platform within their work environment.

SharePoint Online vs. On-Premise: What's the difference?

The presence on the market of the two different versions of Microsoft SharePoint (Online and On-Premise) often generates a bit of confusion among users who are approaching for the first time choosing the best solution to adopt for their business.

So let's clarify a bit what differentiates SharePoint Online from the latest On-Premise version of SharePoint released by Microsoft in 2019 and which of the two can help us depending on our situation.

SharePoint Online

SharePoint Online, as we have already been able to mention more about, It is a cloud-based service offered by Microsoft. Access to the service is dictated by the choice of the preferred subscription formula; therefore, companies will have to pay a monthly fee based on the users within the company who use the acquired license (in the next few paragraphs we will try to clarify this point as well).

The most significant benefit of using SharePoint Online is that Microsoft takes care of all security updates and patches. This means there's no need to worry about keeping your software up to date, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Another big advantage compared to the On-Premise version is that you can access your data anywhere in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection.

For companies that want to build a scalable intranet with the highest degree of accessibility, the cloud service is the best option. The choice of SharePoint Online also makes it possible to drastically reduce the complexities associated with the implementation and maintenance of the software, giving the possibility of saving significant amounts of money by cutting the continuous costs for managing and maintaining the in-situ infrastructure.

SharePoint On-Premise (or SharePoint Server)

SharePoint On-Premise, on the other hand, is a version of SharePoint installed on their local servers which offers its users full control of the environment, including the ability to customize and add new features.

Although SharePoint On-Premise requires initial configuration and ongoing maintenance, which may entail additional costs for the purchase and maintenance not only of the software but also of dedicated hardware on which to install it, this version is still an excellent option for all those companies that already have a dedicated infrastructure, that work in an organization with high compliance standards, have high customization needs or want to save on licensing costs.

It is also the perfect solution for those companies that need more storage than what Microsoft provides or want more control over the farm architecture. If the intranet needs to be accessible only within the corporate network, SharePoint On-Premise may be the best option.

SharePoint Hybrid Environment

For those who wish, it is also worth mentioning the possibility of adopting for their intranets hybrid solutions. As the name suggests, the hybrid approach requires a combination of both on-premise and online infrastructures.

Those who decide to do so will still need their local server and IT staff to maintain it (even if not so heavily), and will need to have an efficient Internet connection available to benefit from the collaborative power of Microsoft 365; in addition to the need to create a new customized “hybrid” way to monitor how their data is stored, manage its accessibility on all company devices and keep this data secure.

SharePoint Online: communication sites, Hubs and flat networks

Let's now take a closer look at some of the most unique features that distinguish SharePoint Online.

There are two standard types of sites available in SharePoint Online: team sites And the communication sites.

Team sites are similar to traditional SharePoint sites and focus on collaboration between employees on common documentation and projects, while communication sites are more oriented to disseminating messages to a large audience. They can be a useful way to create engaging content and are the best choice for creating a modern and functional 360-degree intranet.

Template for creating a SharePoint communication site

When you create a communication site in SharePoint Online, you can start from one of three predefined site templates, each of which comes with a predefined set of web components. The available options are:

  • Topic: to share information such as news, events and other content.
  • Showcase: to use photos or images of a product, team, or event.
  • Empty: to create your own design.

SharePoint Online sites can also be designated as hubs, which connect and organize sites for the project, department, or team, making it easier to:

  • Discover related content such as news and other site activity.
  • Apply common navigation, a uniform appearance, and a common site structure between associated sites.
  • Search all associated sites Sites associated with a SharePoint Online hub don't inherit the permissions of the hub or other sites associated with it.

Previously, the “classic” SharePoint On-Premise architecture was typically built using a hierarchical system of site collections and subsites. Once built, however, this structure was rigid and difficult to maintain.

Why? SharePoint On-Premise sub-sites are strict because their URL is fixed to the main site, so trying to reorganize them inevitably ends up breaking relationships between them. Many governance features, such as storage and classification, must therefore be applied to all sites within the collection, even if applicable only to a sub-site.

In the modern SharePoint Online experience, sites are autonomous and may (or may not be) associated with a Hub, which is a flat network of sites that can share navigation, branding and other elements.

A key benefit of SharePoint Online hubs is that they model relationships as links, rather than a hierarchy or property. This type of structure is much more flexible and adaptable as needs change over time, as sites can move between hubs or be independent of them.

A hub will provide the sites associated with it, among many other insertable elements, a common navigation, a uniform appearance, a search scope and a summary of news and activities.

As far as security and permissions are concerned, each site, including the Hub, always maintains its current authorization settings.

SharePoint Online: adaptability to mobile devices

It is worth noting that all portals and business content created with the Microsoft 365 tool are able to adapt to any type of mobile device. In fact, with the SharePoint Online app, it is possible to interact with sites and files, downloading and modifying them directly from your smartphone or tablet.

In addition, it is possible to receive alerts to be informed as soon as a new post or document is uploaded to the intranet. By clicking on the notification, you can immediately access the new content uploaded and start communicating or collaborating with your team with a single, convenient step.

One last thing to say about this: thanks to the strong integration that SharePoint has with all Microsoft 365 tools, it is possible to interact with the files of your business sites even from the Teams and OneDrive apps.

Did you know that we have built the best SharePoint intranet?

We created, which now has over 200 installations worldwide. It is the ready-to-use and customizable solution for digitizing the processes and communication of any company. We'll help you:

  • build the intranet according to your brand, with 50+ ready-to-use solutions
  • develop new components for your activities
  • integrate Microsoft 365, Viva, and Power Platform products
  • monitor user engagement after go-live

Contact us if you have a SharePoint Online project in mind.

SharePoint Online: integrations with other Microsoft 365 applications

Probably, what makes the digital work environment based on Microsoft 365 tools so appreciated and used is the deep integration that links the functionality of one of the applications of the Microsoft environment to those of the others and if we look at it, SharePoint is absolutely no exception in this regard.

In fact, the platform is able to expand the functionality of its sites, combining with tools such as OneDrive and Teams, as well as Power Platform applications (Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Bi) and others.

SharePoint events to create Power Automate flows

These last tools can be safely used without having great programming knowledge, since they have been designed specifically for users who want to digitize their activities using a simple and intuitive low-code approach.

The result of the combination of these applications is a virtual space with infinite potential for creating ad hoc solutions for their digital infrastructures, capable of optimizing the management of any type of business process.

For example, let's think about repetitive activities such as requesting a vacation, scanning purchase requests or approving documents: thanks to the interaction that can be established between SharePoint, Power Automate and Microsoft Teams, it is possible to create a completely automatic and independent workflow that allows us to carry out these formalities quickly and efficiently.

Also worth noting is the close integration between SharePoint and Viva Engage (ex-Yammer). In fact, it is possible to insert a new or existing conversation within any SharePoint site or page, using the appropriate web part specific to Viva Engage.

Viva Engage web part for SharePoint Online

In this way, a company will be able to combine the interaction functions typical of social media with those for managing the contents of a website.

SharePoint Online Development Services: What are they?

SharePoint Online Development Services are partners that can support their business in the development and implementation of SharePoint-based solutions and can help us create and customize intranet portals, extranet sites and customized applications developed with the help of the web platform and carry out these projects tailored to meet the specific needs and needs of the company.

By collaborating with experienced SharePoint developers, companies can unlock the platform's full potential, maximizing the efficiency of their digital infrastructures and stimulating innovation and intra-company communication.

The services offered by these partners may include the design, development and development release of SharePoint sites, ensuring that users have as functional an experience as possible while collaborating with their teams and more access to information within the platform.

SharePoint Online Development Services: What are the benefits?

Organizations that choose to invest in a development partner for their SharePoint-based solutions can obtain a multitude of advantages such as the creation of customized tools and applications, the development of more efficient workflows, and the improvement of the operational effectiveness and overall ease of use of their business network.

With the flexibility and scalability offered by customized SharePoint development, companies can adapt their digital solutions to the latest standards of digital quality and efficiency, guaranteeing their IT infrastructures relevance and high performance that can be maintained in the long term.

In addition, SharePoint's customized development services allow organizations to optimize their data management processes down to the smallest detail, improving security and accessibility to business information for all employees through centralization and intelligent data storage, collaboration and communication, promoting a cohesive, robust and easy to navigate and use digital ecosystem.

Custom web part by to monitor company well-being

By customizing SharePoint solutions to align them with their business objectives, companies can organize and manage information effectively, making it easier to make better decisions and to strategically plan their next moves in the market.

SharePoint development services include a wide variety of offerings customized to meet different business needs. Some of the main types of SharePoint development services include customization, integration, migration, and support. Personalization is about adapting SharePoint to align with specific business requirements, improving user experience and functionality.

Integration is, as we have already seen in the dedicated paragraph, a crucial service for connecting SharePoint to other applications or systems within an organization, promoting collaboration between different platforms. Migration services, on the other hand, facilitate the smooth transfer of data and content from legacy systems to SharePoint, ensuring continuity and efficiency.

Another essential aspect of SharePoint development services is support, which includes ongoing maintenance, troubleshooting and training of business users to maximize the effectiveness of the platform and address any problems immediately. These services are essential for all those companies that seek to take full advantage of the capabilities of SharePoint and promote initiatives for the digital transformation of their work environment.

Each type of SharePoint development service plays a unique role in improving productivity, streamlining processes, and encouraging collaboration across departments and teams. Through a comprehensive approach to SharePoint development, companies can exploit the platform's full potential and effectively achieve their strategic objectives in the digital field.

Custom web part by for tracking document acknowledgment in SharePoint

SharePoint Online Licensing, and How to Optimize Costs

Microsoft offers several purchasable licensing options for SharePoint, designed to meet the different organizational needs and budgets of companies that want to implement it. Understanding these options is vital to making an informed decision that aligns with the needs of your organization.

Since SharePoint Online is a cloud-based platform, different monthly subscription plans have been made available to obtain a license, the cost of which is based on the characteristics of the chosen plan, the services offered and the number of active users who will use the platform. The minimum subscription to the service is one year with a guaranteed grace period of about 180 days in the event of cancellation of the subscription to be able to recover your data and keep them elsewhere.

Let's now give a general overview of the licenses that can be purchased, starting with those that concern SharePoint Online only:

  • SharePoint Online Plan 1: This plan is the ideal (and most affordable) entry point for organizations that want to take advantage of cloud-based document management and collaboration. It includes essential features such as document libraries, team sites, and basic search capabilities, making it suitable for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • SharePoint Online Plan 2: This option, at about double the price of Plan 1 per user per month, introduces advanced features such as enhanced search, eDiscovery, and increased storage limits. It's designed for larger organizations that require more sophisticated content management and search capabilities.

For companies looking for a more complete solution, SharePoint Online is also available as part of the Office 365 E plans, which combine various Microsoft services under a single solution:

  • Office 365 E1: This plan offers core Microsoft services, including email, file archiving, and SharePoint Online, but without the desktop version of the Office apps. It's suitable for businesses that need basic collaboration tools and cloud storage.
  • Office 365 E3: Adds desktop versions of Office apps to the range, along with enhanced security and compliance tools, making it suitable for businesses that need comprehensive work suites with additional protection for their data.
  • Office 365 E5: The most comprehensive option, E5, includes everything that's in E3, plus advanced analytics capabilities, voice capabilities, and more sophisticated security and compliance features. It's ideal for organizations that require the highest levels of productivity, security, and compliance.

SharePoint Online's stand-alone plans are ideal for businesses that are primarily looking for document management and collaboration tools. Instead, Office 365 plans offer a more comprehensive set of tools to improve office productivity, including email hosting, desktop applications from the Office suite, and more advanced security and compliance features.

When considering the implementation of SharePoint Online for the development of your intranets and business portals, there are also several other factors to consider that can significantly influence the choice of your subscription to one of the plans listed above. Among these factors, the most important are:

  • Number of users: The number of users can affect the amount of storage you need and the pricing plan you need.
  • Data size: the size of the data that needs to be archived can influence the amount of storage needed and, consequently, the choice of the plan that you want to implement.
  • Business Needs: the specific needs of your company can significantly influence our choice. For example, if your business manages large media files such as videos, you may need larger storage space than a company that only manages text documents.
  • Add-ons and customizations: Adding third-party add-ons or customizing SharePoint are other factors to consider. Third-party add-ons may require additional storage, while the customizations you want to implement may require additional resources that, as a result, could affect prices.

Every company that wants to optimize its spending for the use of SharePoint Online, should consider adopting good use practices that maximize the efficiency of its corporate intranets, such as:

  • Plan ahead: Before implementing SharePoint, it is very important to plan and determine the storage capacity and functionality useful to cover business needs.
  • Regularly review your storage: regularly checking the use of SharePoint storage and evaluating whether it is necessary to update or resize your storage options can significantly help us to contain expenses.
  • Implement stricter storage policies: Another useful practice is to apply tighter storage policies to ensure that users don't archive unnecessary files or exceed storage limits.
  • Use SharePoint for collaboration: a final suggestion could be to use SharePoint primarily as a collaboration platform rather than as an archiving platform and encourage users operating on their intranet to collaborate and share files instead of storing them in their personal folders.


SharePoint Online is one of the best document management systems on the market right now. It is excellent for those looking to improve collaboration between their employees on common projects and content management and integration with other applications in the Microsoft ecosystem make the platform an excellent business tool for managing projects and sharing information within their digital work environment.

From the simple and secure management of all business content (from requests for information to marketing materials to financial data), the creation of corporate websites and intranets to keep users updated, the orchestration of business processes to automate routine tasks, and the development of customized apps to increase team productivity, SharePoint Online offers a complete solution across the board for every type of business need.

All that remains is to invite you to make the choice of your subscription plan by consulting the official Microsoft website and experience first-hand the potential of SharePoint for the development of your business networks.

FAQ on SharePoint Online

What is SharePoint Online?

SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service that enables organizations to create, manage, and share content, applications, and resources across teams. It integrates with Microsoft 365 and allows for collaboration and information sharing within an organization.

How can I customize SharePoint Online sites?

SharePoint Online sites can be customized using various tools such as modern web parts, custom themes, and templates. Additionally, developers can use SharePoint Framework (SPFx) to create custom web parts and extensions that enhance the functionality of SharePoint Online sites.

What are the benefits of SharePoint Online over SharePoint On-Prem?

SharePoint Online offers several advantages, including automatic updates, seamless integration with Microsoft 365, enhanced security features, and reduced maintenance costs. It also provides easier access to files and collaboration tools from anywhere with an internet connection.

How does SharePoint Online support collaboration within teams?

SharePoint Online supports collaboration by allowing team members to share documents, co-author files in real-time, and communicate through integrated tools like Microsoft Teams. It also offers version control, so users can track changes and restore previous versions of documents.

What security features does SharePoint Online offer?

SharePoint Online includes advanced security features such as data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and compliance tools to protect sensitive information. It also allows administrators to manage permissions and control access to content.

Can I integrate third-party applications with SharePoint Online?

Yes, SharePoint Online supports integration with a wide range of third-party applications through connectors, APIs, and custom development using the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This enables organizations to extend the functionality of SharePoint Online to meet specific business needs.

What is the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) in SharePoint Online?

The SharePoint Framework (SPFx) is a development model that allows developers to create custom solutions for SharePoint Online. It enables the building of responsive, mobile-friendly web parts, extensions, and applications that integrate seamlessly with SharePoint Online.

How can I manage permissions in SharePoint Online?

Permissions in SharePoint Online can be managed at different levels, including site, library, folder, and document levels. Administrators can assign specific roles, such as owner, member, or visitor, and customize access rights to ensure that users have the appropriate level of access to content.

What are the storage limits in SharePoint Online?

SharePoint Online provides a base storage allocation of 1 TB per organization, plus an additional 10 GB per licensed user. This storage is shared across all sites within the organization, and additional storage can be purchased if needed.

How do I migrate data to SharePoint Online?

Data migration to SharePoint Online can be done using tools like the SharePoint Migration Tool (SPMT) provided by Microsoft, or through third-party migration solutions. The process typically involves planning, preparing the source data, migrating the content, and verifying the migration to ensure accuracy.

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