SharePoint Templates: How to apply and customize them

Using SharePoint Online is easier than ever thanks to the templates provided by Microsoft. Whether you want to create a new site for an upcoming project or a communication site, you can now create one in a few minutes using SharePoint templates as a starting point. Are the default templates not good? you can now create customized SharePoint templates to adapt them to specific workflows and business processes. In this article, we are going to see what they are and the fundamental aspects of using SharePoint templates and the method and best practices for creating customized ones.

What you'll find in this article

  • SharePoint Templates: What are they?
  • SharePoint Site Templates: How do they work?
  • SharePoint Site Templates: the three main macro-categories
  • SharePoint Site Templates: Examples of ready-to-use templates
  • SharePoint Site Templates: How to apply and customize Them
  • How to create a SharePoint template
  • SharePoint Intranet Templates: tips on how to create custom templates for the intranet
SharePoint Templates: How to apply and customize them

SharePoint Templates: What are they?

Templates in SharePoint are nothing more than predefined templates that are used to create sites and web pages with a specific structure, design, and functionality. These templates allow users to quickly create sites that meet specific needs without having to build each component from scratch.

Site templates have always existed within the SharePoint ecosystem but only recently has Microsoft decided to really enhance them and significantly expand their offer, even including a new user interface for the template screen and an “Apply a template” option within all the settings panels for SharePoint sites.

This new approach aims to provide users with greater freedom and to speed up their work rhythms, allowing collaboration on corporate digital spaces at any level of expertise.

Even non-technical users, such as content creators, event managers, recruiters, and external vendors, can easily create customized sites in their SharePoint Online ecosystem using the available templates. This saves time and resources in applying business guidelines for site design, branding and functionality.

SharePoint Site Templates: How do they work?

Although the functionality has always existed, 'Site template' is the new name used in SharePoint Online for what was previously defined as 'site design', i.e. the default starting points used for creating SharePoint sites.

When creating a new corporate site, SharePoint offers, in addition to the 'empty' option, a series of templates to activate in a few seconds a portal already configured with specific content snippets, page layout and web parts.

These models are highly flexible and can be customized in every aspect. The user who creates a site can choose and apply the template that best suits their needs in terms of functionality and content.

After applying the model, the user can make all the customizations made available by SharePoint, having an easily modelable starting base available to start working on their project. But what exactly are these models?

SharePoint Site Templates: the three main macro-categories

Before we begin, let's take a look at the macro categories of sites that you can create on Microsoft's web collaboration platform. Specifically, you have the option to choose between three macro-categories of site templates:

  • Team site
  • Communication site
  • Hub site

Each of these macro categories allows you to create sites that meet specific business needs with customized functionality and content. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

Team sites

Team sites are designed to facilitate collaboration within a work group. They're ideal for teams working on common projects, as they provide a centralized space where team members can share and co-edit documents, manage tasks, schedule meetings, and communicate through integrated conversations.

Team sites are usually linked to an Office 365 group, which means they include tools like Outlook, Planner, OneNote, and Teams. The interface is geared toward group productivity, with document libraries, lists, and other SharePoint applications that are customizable to meet specific team needs.

Communication sites

Communication sites are designed for the dissemination of information on a large scale within the organization. They are used to convey news, announcements, events, and other important business information to a large audience.

Unlike team sites, which are focused on group collaboration, communication sites are designed for one-way communication from the company to the employees. The interface of these sites is highly visual, with sections for news, events and content pages that may include images, videos and other multimedia elements.

Communication sites help keep employees informed and engaged, providing a central point where they can find important business updates and resources

Hub sites

Hub sites represent a higher level of organization and connection between various SharePoint sites within a company.

They are not just standalone sites, but a mechanism for connecting and grouping different team and communication sites under a single hierarchical structure. This facilitates navigation and the consistency of information between linked sites. When a site is associated with a hub site, it automatically inherits the theme, navigation structure, and other settings configured at the hub level.

Hub sites are useful for centralizing the management of related sites, offering a unified view of the news, activities, and content coming from linked sites. In addition, they improve the search and discovery of information, since users can search for content on all the sites associated with the hub.

SharePoint Site Templates: Examples of ready-to-use templates

After clarifying the macro categories, let's take a closer look at the subcategories of sites that can be created using templates in SharePoint for each of the macro categories listed above.

As we have seen, the communication site is the default site for responding to a company's varied communication needs and is designed to share news, updates and reports. This type of site is characterized by a balanced combination of functionality and attractive graphics and, like a store window, it adapts to different needs, thus creating particular sites that stand out for their form and functionality.

So let's take a look at the most used templates for this macro-category:

  • Department site: This template is used to create the portal of a department or a company headquarters. It provides news web parts designed to highlight the team and the peculiarities of each department. Here’s where to download the template for the SharePoint department site.

  • Leadership connection site: This model aims to connect management with members of business teams. It automatically inserts the conversation web part into Yammer, the famous internal corporate social network. Here’s where to download the template for the SharePoint leadership site.

  • Onboarding site: This template is designed for a company's human resources. Its purpose is to guide new colleagues through the delicate process of integration into the company. With its integrated functionality, it will be easier to introduce new levers to people, mission and company values. Here’s where to download the template for the SharePoint onboarding site.

As far as team sites are concerned, they have been designed for centralize and shareresourcing quickly and fluidly between the different members of a business team, going to stem the problem of the dispersion of relevant information within different applications.

One of their distinctive features is the connection to existing Microsoft 365 groups, so as to expand and consolidate the digital work environment in which a workgroup operates.

Below is a small list of the most popular team site templates:

  • Team training site: designed for the training and professional growth of Employees, this model provides a simple interface in which it is possible to upload the training content that the company wants to make available to its people. Here’s where to download the template for the SharePoint site dedicated to team training.

Finally, as far as hub sites are concerned, as we have already mentioned before, they act as mechanisms to connect and group different team and communication sites under a single hierarchical structure and centralize the management of related sites, offering a unified view of the news, activities and content coming from the linked sites.

In addition, here is a list of some of the most used templates in corporate hub sites:

  • Human Resources Portal: this template includes features such as access to HR forms and documents, company announcements, a bulletin board for career, training and development opportunities, and information on business benefits. The main advantages are the centralization of all HR resources in one place, facilitating access for employees and improving internal communication.
  • Project Management Center: offers tools for planning and monitoring projects, dashboards with project status, project documents and reports, and a calendar of deadlines. This template provides an overview of business projects, improving time and resource management.
  • Knowledge Sharing Center: offers document libraries, business wikis, training courses and tutorials, and forums for questions and answers. It facilitates the sharing of knowledge and skills within the company, promoting continuous learning and innovation.
  • Customer Service Portal: includes a customer database, support forms and service requests, history of customer interactions, and training resources for the support team. Improve customer service efficiency and customer satisfaction by centralizing the information and resources needed for support.
  • Innovation and Development Center: this platform for ideating and managing innovations includes a space for collaborating on new projects, a repository of patents and research, and forums for brainstorming. It encourages innovation and collaboration between employees, facilitating the management of new ideas and development projects.

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SharePoint Site Templates: How to apply and customize them?

The SharePoint site template screen shows all the available templates that can be applied to a SharePoint Online site. The platform organizes the templates in two separate tabs: 'From Microsoft' and 'From your organization'.

The first tab provides all the SharePoint Online templates offered in-the-box by the Redmond house to meet the needs of a whole series of specific scenarios. You can use any template from the list to create effective SharePoint sites for team communications, hiring staff, managing events, or managing projects.

To experiment with the design and the dynamics of use, you can also visit the SharePoint Look Book portal. This portal hosts a preview and description of all the SharePoint templates that Microsoft offers for free.

The “From Your Organization” tab on the SharePoint Online template selection screen, on the other hand, allows users to access customized site templates created specifically for internal business needs. These templates are designed and configured by the organization's administrator or IT team to ensure consistency and compliance with business standards, offering predefined functionality that responds to specific work processes or business flows.

Applying and customizing SharePoint site templates is quick and easy. If you are the owner of the SharePoint site or have high-level permissions given by the administrator, you can apply SharePoint templates to a site without problems.

To try using a template, just follow the following steps:

  1. Create a team or communication site in the workspace in SharePoint.
  2. Click on Home to display the settings icon at the top right.
  3. Click Site Settings to open customization options.
  4. At this point, you will see 'Apply a site template'. Let's select it.
  5. Choose any template From Microsoft or From Your Organization.
  6. Now, click on 'Use Template' to restructure the existing site.

Ok, we have applied our template, but let's say we want to customize it to re-brand the site according to your company's guidelines. For example, we want to apply the project management site template provided by Microsoft to a team site dedicated to an ongoing project.

The template will automatically populate the essential contents for project management with items such as Calendar, Home Page, Project Monitoring List, Document Library, Issue Monitoring List, Status Report Template, and Recycle Bin.

However, if the simple addition of these elements is not enough for us but we want to modify them in any way, we just have to follow the following steps:

  1. Click 'Edit' at the top right of the site.
  2. Select one of the items. A panel will appear on the left side.
  3. Click on 'Edit Web Part' to open a customization panel.
  4. Apply the desired changes and click on 'Save as draft' or 'Republic'.

How to create a SharePoint template

It should be clear by now that organizations are using custom SharePoint templates to save time, ensure consistency across intranet sites, and spread data compliance everywhere. Custom templates offer portability, extensibility, and effortless development. All elements that are absolutely fundamental in the landscape of contemporary digital work environments.

But, sometimes, the predefined templates offered by Microsoft may not be enough to meet the needs of our company and we may need to develop custom templates ad hoc in order to achieve the desired result.

As we mentioned before, SharePoint Online gives the possibility to use custom templates, designed and created to measure to meet the peculiarities of our internal business processes and in this section we will briefly see the steps with which you can create one:

  1. Disable the publishing functionality of the SharePoint site from which you want to create a custom template.
  2. Enable a custom script at the SharePoint tenant level by visiting the Admin Center Settings.
  3. Go to the SharePoint site that you want to use as a template. On the Settings screen, we look for 'Site Information' and finally 'View all site settings'.
  4. Look for 'Save site as template' under the 'Site Actions' heading. If the publishing functionality has been successfully disabled and the custom script has been activated, you will find the option mentioned above. SharePoint will ask you to choose a File Name and a Template Name for the new template.
  5. Review the Include Content dialog box and let's select it if desired. If the starting SharePoint site contains sensitive information, avoid checking the box.
  6. Click OK to continue creating the template. The next window will show the message Operation completed successfully. SharePoint will save the new template created in the Solutions Gallery.
  7. To use it, all we have to do is select 'Page' or 'News Post' at the top of the navigation bar to start a new content and choose the customized template, saved previously.
  8. If necessary, we update the content of the template and adapt the layoutmoving the web parts that interest us. At the end of the change, just click on 'Save' to be able to continue the work at a later time or 'Publish' if we are satisfied with the result obtained and want to implement it immediately.

SharePoint Intranet Templates: tips on how to create custom templates for the intranet

A simple design capable of reflecting the identity of your organization is essential for an intranet or any corporate site and when building your private network it can be extremely easy to make mistakes trying to balance elegance and operability.

A sin of anonymity can lead to workspaces that, although functional, can be unengaging for our employees and, at the opposite extreme, stepping too heavily on the aesthetic personalization of the intranet risks leading to tacky results, heavy to support and use and, consequently, not functional for what a work space should be.

For this reason, it is therefore very important to follow the Best practice most important to apply to your SharePoint models in order to achieve maximum results and an intranet that is as intuitive and engaging for the user as it is practical and useful in carrying out their tasks.

Here, then, is a list of the best practices to follow when creating your custom templates to achieve optimal results in your corporate digital communication:

  • We always value the name and logo of your company on every page of the site (especially on the home page) to strengthen the company's image. It does not need to be the size of an advertising board but it must always be positioned in such a way that it is always clearly visible and distinguishable.
  • Use the corporate palette consistently and consistently. We try to avoid undesirable rainbow effects that risk confusing the user and negatively impacting the aesthetics of the intranet and we prefer to highlight our colors in the most strategic areas of the site and its pages to obtain a clean result with impeccable aesthetics.
  • It is important to emphasize this: the search bar must always be accessible and easily identifiable. An intranet also acts as a repository for all kinds of information useful for carrying out business tasks and it is necessary for users to be able to find it as soon as possible. If you want to go to the next level, Microsoft has recently given the option of integrating AI capabilities into its search options.
  • The intranet is above all a digital workspace, and navigation must be practical and intuitive for users, allowing them to move quickly around the site. We therefore avoid nesting information and content, especially those that are most relevant to employees. Remember that the corporate site is made for them and for their needs and we try to keep in mind functional reading and visualization schemes for our digital readers when we structure the layout of sites and pages.
  • Involving users in business processes and events is essential to create a sense of belonging to the group, maintaining high morale and encouraging communication between employees and managers. We therefore try to insert interactive content such as carousels and videos, or even quizzes and surveys in our textual and graphic narratives, or even quizzes and surveys to increase employee engagement and collect their feedback at every step.


To conclude our overview of SharePoint templates, I want to emphasize once again how their use represents a fundamental strategic advantage for companies that adopt Microsoft's web collaboration platform.

The ease of use of the templates allows even non-experts to create and customize professional websites in a few clicks, saving precious time and resources. By maintaining the visual and functional consistency of their sites through predefined or customized templates, organizations can ensure compliance with business requirements.

I invite you to explore the potential offered by implementing SharePoint templates for your business web solutions and to experiment with the development options provided by Microsoft. For over twenty years, SharePoint has been the go-to choice for creating and managing intranets and extranets for more than 200,000 organizations around the world.

FAQ on SharePoint templates

What are SharePoint templates?

SharePoint templates are predefined site structures that help users quickly create sites with specific layouts, designs, and functionalities without starting from scratch.

How do SharePoint templates work?

SharePoint templates provide ready-to-use designs for sites, which can be customized based on user needs. Users select a template, apply it, and then modify it to fit their specific project requirements.

What types of SharePoint templates are available?

There are three main types of SharePoint templates: Team sites, Communication sites, and Hub sites, each serving different business needs.

How can I apply and customize SharePoint templates?

To apply a SharePoint template, create a site, go to settings, select "Apply a site template," and choose the desired template. After applying, you can customize web parts, layouts, and content as needed.

Can I create custom SharePoint templates?

Yes, SharePoint allows users to create custom templates by configuring a site and saving it as a template for reuse, ensuring consistency and saving time across projects.

What are some best practices for designing SharePoint templates for intranets?

When designing SharePoint intranet templates, focus on consistent branding, easy navigation, and accessibility. Include interactive elements like search bars, carousels, and feedback mechanisms to engage users.

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Modern Work

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