Microsoft AI: our solution for Copilot adoption

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way businesses operate. Among the various innovations, Generative AI stands out for its ability to create models that, through machine learning or deep learning algorithms, combine data to create new solutions. Precisely because of this ability, numerous companies and startups have adopted tools based on artificial intelligence to automate internal processes and thus increase the productivity and well-being of workers. Microsoft's response to this request for innovation was not long in coming: in November 2023, the American company launched its Office functionalities based on artificial intelligence for large companies for the first time. Two of the main technologies proposed are the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models of Azure OpenAI and Microsoft Copilot. In this article, we'll look at the difference between Microsoft Copilot and OpenAI's GPT models, the difficulties companies face in integrating Copilot into their business processes, and how to choose the right adoption plan to maximize their investment and increase the adoption rate.

Microsoft AI: our solution for Copilot adoption

Microsoft AI: GPT Models vs Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft has made great strides by offering innovative solutions that are transforming the business landscape. Two of the main technologies proposed are the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models of Azure OpenAI and Microsoft Copilot. While both of these tools harness the power of generative AI, they differ significantly in their usage, functionality, and benefits offered to businesses.

Azure OpenAI GPT models are a powerful tool for developing customized AI-based applications. These models can be used for a wide range of applications, from text generation to machine translation, from creating code to synthesizing complex information. Programmers can, for example, exploit the power of these language models to create advanced applications, capable of automating processes, processing large amounts of data without diminishing their performance, and managing communication with customers, suppliers and employees in a natural way.

Microsoft Copilot, on the other hand, is an AI assistant integrated into Microsoft 365 applications, designed to improve end-user productivity. Copilot uses GPT model technology to provide intelligent suggestions, automate repetitive tasks, and offer contextual assistance in daily activities. For example, in Word, Copilot can help create documents, suggest changes, and improve writing; in Excel, it can generate complex formulas and analyze data; in Teams, it can transcribe and summarize meetings.

While Azure OpenAI's GPT models are flexible and powerful tools for developing customized AI solutions, Microsoft Copilot represents a practical and immediate application of generative AI, designed to improve efficiency and productivity within everyday business applications. That's why, among the options offered by Microsoft, Copilot is the most convenient and useful tool for businesses. Before identifying the optimal adoption plan, let's review the main difficulties that may arise in the Copilot integration process.

Architecture behind Microsoft 365 Copilot

Microsoft AI: challenges for the successful adoption of Copilot

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, Microsoft 365 Copilot is Microsoft's artificial intelligence solution designed to simplify internal processes and increase the productivity of all people in the company, thanks to features such as searching for information and generating content.

In order to make the most of these features and obtain a significant return on investment, however, it is important to understand the challenges in implementing innovative technologies such as Microsoft 365 Copilot.

The introduction of Microsoft's artificial intelligence is completely transforming daily productivity, and especially in the business context, it is essential to manage this change carefully in order to fill the lack of adequate skills, and face the resistances that may arise during the implementation of a new process.

Among the most common mistakes when implementing Microsoft 365 Copilot in a company, there is often a lack of attention paid to employee training.

Many companies underestimate the importance of properly preparing their staff for the use of this innovative technology. Microsoft 365 Copilot, in fact, is based on conversational research, using Microsoft's generative AI, which represents a completely different approach than the traditional one.

Contrary to the use of keyword searches, which we are used to, Copilot requires a more spontaneous and conversational interaction approach. Therefore, a simple entry of keywords will not be enough to obtain the desired results. On the contrary, it is necessary to know how to formulate requests in an articulated and contextual way, so that AI can understand and respond effectively.

Managing this change within the organization, and providing in-depth training on all the features that Microsoft 365 Copilot offers, is therefore essential to ensure that the tool is properly adopted by all employees and that it is used to the maximum.

Let's see together in detail what are the critical points in the Copilot adoption for companies and how our service can help you.

Verification for information privacy

The first critical point in implementing Copilot is to ensure that corporate privacy policies are respected.

In fact, what is often overlooked during the adoption and use of Copilot is precisely the management of user permissions, such as access to files or groups that contain sensitive content and that risk, through the sharing of answers obtained from artificial intelligence, of being exposed to unauthorized users.

For this reason, it is essential to carry out a thorough check of user permissions within:

  • Microsoft Teams groups
  • SharePoint Online sites
  • OneDrive Archives

Secure data migration to the Microsoft cloud

Another important aspect to remember when implementing Microsoft 365 Copilot in the company is the exclusivity of this tool in working with the data present in the Microsoft 365 cloud platform.

Therefore, it becomes essential, through the support of experts, to prepare business data for artificial intelligence and to correctly configure access points to Copilot. The migration will then involve moving all the information stored on local servers to the cloud, such as:

  • Mail and events to Exchange Online
  • Files and documents to SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams and OneDrive

Access to a continuous and guided training course

To use Copilot effectively, you must then receive comprehensive training that goes beyond a simple basic course.

For this reason, it is useful to include personalized training for your colleagues in the Microsoft Copilot business adoption plan, including access to webinars, participation in communities of practice, specific areas for training content on Microsoft Copilot and the constant support of experts.

Overview of our community of practice for Microsoft Copilot

Development of custom extensions and plugins

To ensure a correct return on investments, it is then useful to provide for the extension and customization of the functionality of Microsoft Copilot with the creation of custom plugins based on the company's needs.

The plugins allow Copilot to perform new functions within the corporate digital workplace, such as:

  • reprocess data in software and applications external to Microsoft 365
  • automate repetitive processes with low added value
  • provide quick prompts based on actual user activities

Overview of our Copilot for Database plugin

Microsoft AI: How to choose the best adoption plan

A structured adoption plan for Microsoft 365 Copilot allows companies to maximize their investment and increase the adoption rate thanks to:

  • Personalized training: A structured plan provides targeted training on the use of Copilot based on the needs of the company and the activities of the users. This training not only provides practical skills to use AI effectively, but also a broader understanding of the benefits and opportunities offered by Copilot to do its job.
  • Effective communication: A structured plan includes clear communication about Copilot, highlighting the benefits, expectations, and resources available to support adoption. The distribution of training content and the creation of areas dedicated to the exchange of knowledge can serve not only to support training, but also to increase interest and awareness of the benefits offered by artificial intelligence, encouraging users to use this new technology more broadly and strategically.
  • Performance monitoring and analysis: A structured plan also includes a continuous evaluation process on the effectiveness of Copilot in the corporate digital workplace. In this way, it becomes easier to identify areas for improvement and to intervene promptly to optimize the use of AI and return on investment.

These are just a few of the aspects that a company must incorporate into its adoption process. Once the areas of intervention have been defined, it is necessary to understand how to implement the activities useful to achieve your objectives.

It is therefore not a simple process to manage independently, especially if you do not have internal Microsoft 365 Copilot skills that can facilitate the transition to this new technology.

For this reason, it is advisable to rely on a team of experts who can:

  • Identify the critical issues common to all companies in adopting Copilot
  • Implement a guided and customizable adoption plan
  • Offer a wide range of vertical services for Copilot
  • Continuously support users

To meet the growing demand of our customers, we have therefore included in our offer a complete program for the correct adoption of artificial intelligence developed by Microsoft. This is Copilot Circle.

Copilot Circle: our solution to bring Microsoft AI to your company

With Copilot Circle, we made sure to guarantee a quick return on investment in Microsoft Copilot by our customers, while offering the best experience for end users through a full adoption program.

First, we are responsible for identifying the roles in the company that can benefit most from using Copilot to manage the available budget and guide companies in the distribution of this tool among different departments and work groups.

Next, we provide a complete overview of the system requirements needed to make Copilot work in the company, from Office applications to language preferences. We then carefully verify initial configurations, such as access to content in Teams groups, SharePoint sites and OneDrive, ensuring that user permissions are properly configured to protect business data.

We also take care of the migration to the Microsoft cloud. This process usually involves transferring mail and events to Exchange Online and moving files and documents to SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive.

To encourage the effective use of Microsoft 365 Copilot and, above all, not to leave colleagues behind in the adoption of this new work tool, we have proposed to our customers a specific training offer for Copilot, which includes:

  • A community where users can get help using Copilot and interact daily with new educational content
  • Access to the intranet site where you can find webinar recordings, more than 200 video lessons and more than 100 frequently asked questions
  • Short videos to learn about Copilot's features in less than a minute
  • Our Copilot course in microlearning mode with daily training pills for a constant and easily assimilated study

Finally, to adapt and enrich the functionality of AI according to the needs of companies, we have developed customized plugins to be able to:

  • Retrieve information from company databases;
  • Search for information within SharePoint lists;
  • Manage personal activities through integration with Microsoft ToDo;
  • Easily search for availability for meetings with colleagues, meeting rooms and workstations;
  • Receive information to stay updated from the selected websites


The introduction of innovative solutions such as Copilot Circle represents a decisive step towards the optimization of business processes and the increase of productivity.

Thanks to our experience implementing Microsoft 365 Copilot and adopting these technologies, we have supported numerous companies in maximizing their investment and customizing Copilot according to their specific needs.

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Modern Work

The Modern Work team effectively and swiftly addresses IT needs, primarily focusing on software development. The technical staff is well-trained in implementing software projects using Microsoft technology stacks and is skilled in managing both agile and long-term projects.