Software development cycle with Azure Devops

Using Azure DevOps as a central management platform for the entire lifecycle of a software project.

Software development cycle with Azure Devops

Our client portfolio includes large multinational corporations that manage hundreds of projects for their internal and external applications and that are often implemented on different platforms, with always different logics and that are compiled and installed in the production environment through manual operations, with all the resulting risk due to human error.

Such management, however, implies that each project is managed differently And the customer There is no way to centralize the management of this process and To maintain control of the source code of your applications, of the modifications made and of the installation methods.

Let's see how we helped our customer to adopt a better process, through the use of Azure Devops.

Azure Devop as the only ALM

The implementation of Azure DevOps for our customer, curated by Dev4Side, marked a turning point in their software development process, demonstrating how sophisticated application lifecycle management can lead to tangible improvements in efficiency, quality and control. Through the customized configuration and optimization of Azure DevOps, we have enabled our customer to fully exploit the potential of this platform, obtaining remarkable results that highlight the effectiveness of the implemented solutions.

Results and Benefits Obtained by the Customer

Automation and Error Reduction: Dev4Side has configured continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipelines in Azure DevOps, almost completely eliminating the need for manual activities in the installation phase. This has led to a 90% reduction in installation errors, a result that underlines the importance of automation in minimizing risks and improving the stability of development and production environments.

Early Bug Identification: The configuration of automated test environments made it possible to identify 60% of the bugs already in the test phase, highlighting the effectiveness of the preventive approach adopted. This not only accelerated the development process but also significantly improved the quality of the released software.

Efficient Monitoring and Control: Thanks to the monitoring and work management tools provided by Azure DevOps and configured specifically for the needs of our customer by Dev4Side, the work done by suppliers and development teams is constantly under control. This guaranteed transparent and efficient management of activities, ensuring that every aspect of the project proceeded according to plan and met the required quality standards.

This approach ensures that every change to the code is subject to a rigorous approval process, thus increasing the reliability and quality of the developed software. We also implement source code construction pipelines to facilitate the automatic compilation of applications, as well as automated release pipelines that manage deployment in various development, test and production environments.

For each new feature or bug fix, dedicated development branches have been established within the repository. This allows for a more organized and targeted management of code changes, ensuring that each addition or change is traceable and reversible if necessary. In addition, we segment project activities into release sprints, adopting an agile approach that allows us to constantly monitor progress and adapt quickly to any change, thus ensuring timely delivery in line with customer expectations.

Adoption of Agile Methodologies: The implementation of Azure DevOps enabled our customer to manage the project according to agile principles, improving flexibility and ability to respond to changes. Sprint planning, task tracking and priority management have been optimized to support an agile approach to work, helping to speed up release cycles and increase end customer satisfaction.


The customization and optimization of Azure DevOps carried out by Dev4Side for our customer have demonstrated how the adoption of advanced software development lifecycle management tools can translate into concrete benefits for the company. The automation of processes, the early identification of bugs, strict control over development activities and the adoption of agile methodologies are just some of the advantages that have helped to significantly improve the efficiency, product quality and competitiveness of our client in his sector.

Find out why to choose the team

Infra & Sec

The Infra & Security team focuses on the management and evolution of our customers' Microsoft Azure tenants. Besides configuring and managing these tenants, the team is responsible for creating application deployments through DevOps pipelines. It also monitors and manages all security aspects of the tenants and supports Security Operations Centers (SOC).