Artificial intelligence software: How and why to develop it

The development of software based on artificial intelligence represents a technological frontier of paramount importance. These are innovative computer applications capable of emulating behaviors typical of human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning and problem solving. These software solutions are thus able to handle a wide range of tasks, from simple document search (RAG) operations to the complex analysis of millions of datasets. The impact of AI on the business world and organizations is now undeniable, revolutionizing processes and optimizing operations in diversified sectors, from manufacturing to logistics, from retail to marketing.

What you'll find in this article

  • What is artificial intelligence
  • Artificial intelligence use cases
  • Artificial intelligence software: What is it?
  • Artificial intelligence software: How does it work?
  • AI software: What are the advantages?
  • AI software: the main features
  • AI software: examples and real use cases
  • Artificial intelligence software: How to develop it?
Artificial intelligence software: How and why to develop it

What is artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) represents an area of computer science dedicated to the development of systems capable of simulating human intelligence. These systems are designed to perform tasks that traditionally require human intervention, such as voice recognition, decision-making, and pattern identification. AI is an umbrella term that encompasses a wide range of technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP).

Although the term is commonly used to describe a variety of technologies in use today, there is an open debate about the real nature of artificial intelligence. Some argue that many of the technologies currently used represent rather advanced forms of machine learning, a first step towards true artificial intelligence, often referred to as “general artificial intelligence” (IAG).

Regardless of the philosophical controversies about the existence of truly intelligent machines, when we talk about AI today, most people refer to a series of technologies based on machine learning, such as ChatGPT or Gemini, that allow machines to perform tasks once reserved for humans, such as generating written content, driving a car or analyzing data.

Although the humanoid robots often associated with AI (such as Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation or the Terminator T-800) don't yet exist, it's likely that we've already interacted with machine learning-based services or devices countless times.

At a simpler level, machine learning uses algorithms trained on data sets to create machine learning models that allow computer systems to perform tasks such as suggesting songs, identifying the fastest route to a destination, or translating texts from one language to another. Some of the most common examples of AI in use today include:

  • ChatGPT: uses large language models (LLM) to generate text in response to questions or comments.
  • Google Translate: uses deep learning algorithms to translate texts from one language to another.
  • Netflix: adopts machine learning algorithms to create personalized recommendation engines for users based on their viewing history.
  • Tesla: uses computer vision to power the autonomous driving functions of its cars.

Artificial intelligence use cases

Artificial intelligence is permeating an ever increasing number of sectors, revolutionizing processes and creating new opportunities. The ability to automate tasks that do not require human intervention saves time and money, as well as reduces the risk of human error.


The financial sector represents one of the main fields of application of artificial intelligence. An emblematic example is the detection of fraud. Thanks to its ability to analyze large volumes of data, AI can then identify anomalies or patterns that signal fraudulent behavior, thus protecting financial institutions and their customers. In addition, AI is used for risk management, market analysis, and algorithmic trading.


In the healthcare field, artificial intelligence is making significant contributions. AI-assisted radiology makes it possible to improve the accuracy and efficiency in the diagnosis of diseases through the analysis of medical images. In addition, clinical decision support systems can help doctors select the best treatment options based on patient characteristics.

Another field of application is drug discovery, where AI accelerates the process of developing new drugs through simulation and molecular analysis. Finally, AI-assisted surgical robotics offers new possibilities in terms of precision and safety during operations.


The industrial sector benefits greatly from artificial intelligence. Predictive maintenance makes it possible to optimize machine downtime through the analysis of sensor data. Supply chain optimization uses AI to improve material flow management and reduce costs. In addition, collaborative robotics makes it possible to increase the productivity and safety of workers through collaboration between humans and machines.

Marketing and sales

In the field of sales marketing, artificial intelligence is used to personalize the customer experience. Through the analysis of behaviors and preferences, it is possible to offer tailor-made products and services. In addition, chatbots and virtual assistants improve customer interaction, providing support and information quickly and efficiently. AI is also used to analyze customer sentiment and optimize marketing campaigns.


Artificial intelligence is also revolutionizing the transport sector. Self-driving cars are an example of how AI can improve road safety and reduce traffic. In addition, the optimization of public transport through artificial intelligence systems can help reduce pollution and improve the efficiency of services.

Artificial intelligence software: What is it?

Artificial intelligence software is a computer program capable of performing complex tasks, typically reserved for human intelligence, such as learning, decision-making, and problem solving. This type of software uses machine learning to extract information on large amounts of data, allowing it to carry out increasingly sophisticated and delicate activities.

Companies use artificial intelligence software to optimize their processes and identify new areas for improvement. This allows for a more efficient distribution of human resources, freeing staff to focus on strategic and rewarding activities. Artificial intelligence software can be classified according to different types. Expert systems are designed to mimic the reasoning of a human expert in a given domain, such as medicine or finance.

Artificial neural networks are inspired by the functioning of the human brain and are able to learn from examples without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn and improve their performance without being explicitly programmed. Finally, deep learning is a machine learning technique that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers to analyze large amounts of data.

The applications of artificial intelligence software are vast and constantly expanding. They are found in industrial, commercial and everyday life. For example, chatbots and virtual assistants use artificial intelligence to interact with users and provide support. Voice and image recognition systems are used in various sectors, from security to medicine. In addition, artificial intelligence is critical to the development of self-driving cars, drones, and other autonomous systems.

Artificial intelligence software: How does it work?

The operation of artificial intelligence software is based on a combination of intelligent algorithms and huge amounts of data. These algorithms, that is, a series of mathematical instructions for calculation and automated reasoning, allow the software to process data with extraordinary speed, efficiency and precision. This process allows the system to learn from data, identify and beat characteristics, and predict future trends.

Artificial intelligence is a vast field that includes different technologies, as we saw in the previous paragraph. Artificial neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing (NLP) make artificial intelligence software work. Artificial intelligence software processes data to better interact with humans, provide support in specific activities, and help make quick and informed decisions. Essentially, AI allows machines to learn from experience, adapt to new information, and perform tasks that previously required human intervention.

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AI software: What are the advantages?

Recognition of hidden patterns

One of the main characteristics of artificial intelligence is its ability to identify correlations in data that could escape the human eye. This is especially useful in sectors such as finance, where AI can identify market trends and possible fraud, or in healthcare, where it can help diagnose diseases based on medical images.

Valorization of data

AI can transform raw data into valuable information. Through predictive analysis techniques, artificial intelligence can predict future customer behavior, optimize production or prevent machinery failures. In this way, companies can make more informed and strategic decisions.

Process automation

The automation of repetitive and low value-added tasks is one of the main advantages of AI. Artificial intelligence software can handle activities such as processing orders, responding to customer requests, or managing accounting.

Improving decision-making

Artificial intelligence can provide companies with a more complete and accurate view of their data, thus supporting decision-making. For example, AI-based personalized recommendation systems can suggest products or services to customers based on their preferences, increasing sales and customer satisfaction.

Innovation and product development

AI stimulates innovation and the development of new products and services. For example, startups are using AI to create new business models and solve complex social problems. In addition, AI can be used to develop new materials, optimize production processes and create more personalized user experiences.

Increased productivity

The automation of processes, the optimization of resources and the making of more informed decisions translate into an increase in the efficiency and productivity of companies. Companies that adopt AI can reduce costs, improve the quality of products and services, and increase their competitiveness in the market.

Improved customer experience

AI can be used to personalize the customer experience, providing personalized recommendations, assisting customers in real time, and solving problems more efficiently. This leads to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

AI software: the main features

Artificial intelligence software performs a wide range of functions, helping to improve the efficiency, innovation and competitiveness of organizations.

  • User interface: many companies use artificial intelligence software to develop virtual assistants and chatbots, able to interact with users through natural language. Thanks to machine learning, these systems are able to understand and respond to user requests in an increasingly accurate and natural way.
  • Problem solving: AI is particularly effective in evaluating alternatives for solving complex problems. Artificial intelligence software can quickly analyze different options and select those that best suit the company's needs. In addition, they are able to learn from the feedback received and improve their decision-making skills over time.
  • Process optimization: artificial intelligence software can be used to identify opportunities for improvement in business processes. By analyzing data, AI is able to suggest solutions to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve the quality of products or services.
  • Deep Learning: deep learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, allows software to recognize complex patterns in data, similar to the human brain. This technology finds application in different areas, such as facial and voice recognition, image analysis and natural language.

What is Deep Learning

AI software: examples and real use cases

Artificial intelligence has found application in a wide range of software, revolutionizing different sectors and processes. Let's look at some examples of software platforms that take advantage of AI.

  • IBM Watson: IBM Watson is a question and answer software that stands out for its ability to understand human natural language. This means that users can ask questions spontaneously, without the need to use technical language. Originally developed for the healthcare sector, Watson is now used in various fields from finance to retail, from construction to marketing. Among the main features of Watson are the ability to answer complex questions regardless of interaction with users, and to understand natural language.
  • Microsoft Copilot: Microsoft Copilot is a powerful platform that is revolutionizing the way developers interact with large language models. In addition to providing assistance in writing code and generating ideas, Copilot can be expanded in its functionality through the development of custom plugins. Thanks to these extensions, Copilot can integrate with a wide range of business tools, services, and databases to perform specific tasks and adapt to the individual needs of each developer and organization. This modular and flexible approach opens new frontiers in software development based on artificial intelligence, allowing developers to extend Microsoft's virtual assistant according to the needs of their customers and their company. At Dev4Side, we specialized in the development of custom plugins for Microsoft Copilot precisely to respond to this new market need and offer companies ready-to-use extensions or customize to maximize investment in Copilot and make the best use of it to support colleagues and process the data contained in their digital workplace.

  • Salesforce Einstein: Salesforce Einstein is an artificial intelligence platform integrated into the Salesforce suite, designed to extract maximum value from sales data. Through data analysis, Einstein identifies trends and opportunities, supporting companies in defining effective sales strategies. The ability to create customized artificial intelligence models, without the need for programming skills, is one of the strengths of this platform.
  • Amazon Alexa: Amazon Alexa is another example of an AI-based virtual assistant. In addition to offering entertainment and information, Alexa can be used to increase productivity, manage the smart home, and interact with other compatible devices. Her ability to understand and respond to voice requests naturally makes her a versatile assistant.
  • TensorFlow: unlike previous platforms, TensorFlow is an open source machine learning library developed by Google. It is a set of tools and resources for creating customized machine learning models. TensorFlow is particularly popular for its flexibility, speed, and large developer community.
  • Google Assistant: Google Assistant is Google's virtual assistant. based on natural language processing technology such as Cortana and Alexa. Google Assistant can carry out different activities, from finding information to managing the smart home. The ability to maintain natural conversations and to learn from interactions with the user are his strengths.

Artificial intelligence software: How to develop it?

The development of artificial intelligence software is a complex process that requires interdisciplinary skills and a systematic approach. Below, we outline the main steps involved in developing a successful AI solution.

1. Conception and design phase

The first phase consists of elaborating the concept of the software and defining its design. For companies, it is essential to analyze existing infrastructure and processes to be improved through AI, calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO) and define business needs and end user expectations.

For software houses, it is crucial to build a competitive advantage by identifying the target audience, the main characteristics of the product and the user journey. In this phase, functional and non-functional requirements are defined, including AI capabilities, compliance with data privacy regulations, and compatibility with other systems. In addition, we proceed to estimate the costs, the construction times and the creation of a risk management plan.

2. Development of the machine learning model

Choosing the optimal machine learning model is critical. It is possible to use pre-trained models available on the market, carefully evaluating their characteristics in relation to the needs of the project. Alternatively, for highly innovative use cases, it may be necessary to develop a proprietary model, defining the architecture, training, optimizing and validating it.

The model development process involves collecting, cleaning, and labeling data. The data is then divided into training, validation and test sets. Next, the model is trained and optimized.

3. Software design

This phase involves designing the software architecture, the backend and the integrations with other systems. It is also crucial to define an intuitive and user-friendly user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).

4. Development of the non-AI part

This phase includes implementing DevOps, writing server-side code, testing, and integrating with other systems.

5. Deployment and integration

The machine learning model is integrated into the software and put into production. It is essential to manage errors, configure the infrastructure, carry out final tests, and integrate the software with business systems and user interface.

6. AI adoption (for businesses)

The introduction of artificial intelligence software may require organizational changes. It is necessary to update company data policies, adapt employee workflows, provide training, and create appropriate documentation.

7. Optimization

Artificial intelligence software requires continuous monitoring, optimization, and updating to ensure optimal performance and respond to evolving needs.


The development of AI software represents an innovative frontier that is radically transforming the way we live and work. Artificial intelligence offers enormous potential to optimize processes, improve productivity and create new products and services.

However, the path to implementing AI solutions is complex and requires specialized skills, an ethical approach and continuous attention to the evolution of the implemented technology. Companies that know how to make the most of the potential of AI will certainly gain a competitive advantage, but it is essential to approach the development of AI software with awareness and responsibility.

FAQ on software AI

What is artificial intelligence software?

Artificial intelligence software refers to programs and algorithms designed to simulate human-like intelligence, enabling machines to perform tasks such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and understanding natural language.

How does artificial intelligence software benefit businesses?

Artificial intelligence software can automate repetitive tasks, improve decision-making processes, enhance customer experiences, and optimize operations by analyzing large datasets and identifying patterns that humans might miss.

What are the different types of artificial intelligence software?

Artificial intelligence software can be categorized into machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, expert systems, and computer vision, each serving different purposes and applications in various industries.

How can artificial intelligence software improve decision-making in a company?

Artificial intelligence software improves decision-making by processing vast amounts of data, identifying trends, and providing insights that help businesses make informed, data-driven decisions faster and more accurately.

What industries can benefit the most from artificial intelligence software?

Industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, manufacturing, and logistics can significantly benefit from artificial intelligence software due to its ability to enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and drive innovation.

How does artificial intelligence software handle large datasets?

Artificial intelligence software uses advanced algorithms to process, analyze, and learn from large datasets, enabling it to identify patterns, make predictions, and continuously improve its performance over time.

Is artificial intelligence software difficult to implement?

Implementing artificial intelligence software can be complex, depending on the specific application and the existing infrastructure of the business. However, with the right expertise and planning, it can be integrated effectively.

How does artificial intelligence software contribute to automation?

Artificial intelligence software contributes to automation by enabling machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as data analysis, decision-making, and even customer interactions, leading to increased efficiency and reduced operational costs.

Can small businesses benefit from artificial intelligence software?

Yes, small businesses can benefit from artificial intelligence software by using it to streamline operations, enhance customer service, and gain insights into market trends, helping them to compete more effectively with larger companies.

What are the future trends in artificial intelligence software?

Future trends in artificial intelligence software include the growth of AI in autonomous systems, improved natural language understanding, more personalized customer experiences, and the continued integration of AI into everyday business tools and processes.

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