Azure Cognitive Services: What they are, pricing, and examples

Azure Cognitive Services represent a suite of cloud-based APIs developed by Microsoft to integrate artificial intelligence capabilities into applications. These services allow you to add functionalities such as image recognition, natural language analysis, machine translation and voice recognition to your solutions, without the need for in-depth machine learning skills. In this article, we'll look at what Azure Cognitive Services are, what capabilities they provide, and what advantages they offer businesses.

What you'll find in this article

  • Azure Cognitive Services: What are they?
  • Azure Cognitive Services: How do they work?
  • Azure Cognitive Services: Ahat types are there?
  • Azure Cognitive Services: What are the benefits?
  • Azure Cognitive Services examples and use cases
  • Azure Cognitive Services pricing
Azure Cognitive Services: What they are, pricing, and examples

Azure Cognitive Services: What are they?

For some years now, the modern business landscape has been making the most of the potential of cognitive computing, which increases process efficiency, allows accurate data analysis and improves customer interactions, as well as offering a series of other advantages. However, taking advantage of these benefits is impossible without the use of comprehensive cognitive services.

In 2015, Microsoft Corporation released a set of intelligent technologies, calling it Project Oxford. This project included solutions for performing cognitive tasks, such as face detection, voice recognition, image categorization, and language understanding.

With the expansion of the product, it was renamed to Azure Cognitive Services and today it is one of the most efficient services of its kind. These tools of Microsoft Azure work across all programming platforms and languages, helping to incorporate AI functionality into various applications with minimal effort and coding.

Thanks to these APIs, developers can quickly enrich their software with the ability to see, speak, hear, understand and make decisions, without worrying about developing complex solutions for implementing these functions in their applications.

But what are they specifically? How do they work? Let's find out below.

How to choose between Azure Cognitive Services types

Azure Cognitive Services: How do they work?

Before delving into Azure Cognitive Services, let's try to understand what cognitive computing and cognitive services in general are.

Cognitive computing represents the use of advanced technologies to simulate human cognitive processes, that is, the way in which people think, learn, and solve problems. The technologies involved in this field range from artificial intelligence (AI) to signal processing, from machine learning to neural networks, to virtual reality and other similar technologies. These tools work together to mimic human comprehension and reasoning abilities, allowing computers to tackle complex tasks more efficiently.

The main objective of cognitive computing is to simplify the creation of intelligent applications, eliminating the need for deep programming expertise. In essence, it aims to democratize access to advanced technology, allowing even those without technical training to exploit the potential of artificial intelligence and other cognitive technologies to develop innovative solutions.

Cognitive services, on the other hand, are a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and toolkits designed to support the development of applications that can process unstructured data and transform it into useful information and insights and allow developers to easily integrate cognitive functionality into their applications, such as voice recognition, sentiment analysis, face detection and the ability to generate recommendations based on user behavior, without the need to build these systems from scratch.

And Azure Cognitive Services are exactly that: predefined APIs available to developers to help them create intelligent software applications without the need for direct skills in machine learning or artificial intelligence, which allow developers to easily integrate cognitive services into their applications.

With cognitive services you have access through simple HTTP endpoint to intelligent features, such as understanding and the interpretation of pictures, text recognition or searching on the web, using natural communication methods.

In machine learning, the developer must collect the training dataset, test its validity using appropriate models and then evaluate the results. This process requires knowledge about the different models and concepts of machine learning. However, with Azure Cognitive Services, the task becomes easier because the developer only needs to provide the data, while everything else, such as training the data and selecting the best models, is managed by the cognitive services provided.

Like all Azure services, Cognitive Services are also distributed across all Microsoft Data Centers, so depending on the country where the program will be used, you can decide where to allocate the service. A direct need deriving from the relocation of services is the possibility of being able to set a different culture for each API. To see which ones are available, you can view the list at the following links, which lists support for each individual Cognitive Service.

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Azure Cognitive Services: What types are there?

Now that we have a clearer general idea of what these cognitive services are, it's time to go into a little more detail about what they offer. Azure Cognitive Services of Microsoft Azure can be grouped into 5 categories that group APIs by macro functionality and are respectively:

  • Vision: image processing to understand their content, algorithms for studying faces, documents, written texts and videos;
  • Speech: speech analysis to perform operations, translations, voice identification;
  • Language: intelligent comprehension of written texts, decoding emotions from text, translations, integrations with bots for chat conversations;
  • Decision: monitors and statistics based on data, risk calculation;
  • Search: integration of all Bing Search services

Azure Cognitive Services Vision

Vision services can analyze visual content such as images, GIFs and videos to identify the objects present. These services may allow apps to detect and group faces or objects based on distinctive characteristics.

Among Vision's services we can find:

  • Computer Vision: users can use cloud-based computer vision to take advantage of sophisticated mechanisms to recognize text, label, categorize images, and provide data. Algorithms can evaluate visual material in a variety of ways by uploading an image or providing an image URL.
  • Custom Vision: users can develop, distribute and improve their image analyzers, tools that assign categories to images based on their visual characteristics. It helps detect human faces in an image and predict characteristics such as age, gender, smile, pose, facial hair, and emotions.
  • Form Recognizer: automatically extracts structured information from documents, such as forms and invoices, using artificial intelligence models to recognize and interpret text, tables and other key elements.
  • Video Indexer: identifies visual content in videos, extracts audio, interprets text, analyzes sentiment, searches for images and events in a video and then indexes this information.
  • Face API: Facial recognition can be integrated into any application to offer smooth and secure user interaction, without any prior knowledge of machine learning. Face identification detects facial features and qualities in an image such as masks, glasses, or face position.

Elementi in un'immagine che vengono automaticamente sottotitolati
Enhancing content discoverability with Azure AI Vision image analysis

Azure Cognitive Services Speech

Speech services are used to enable voice processing in apps, allowing speech to be converted into text and vice versa, in addition to translating text into other languages and identifying speakers.

Speech's main services are:

  • Speech to Text: it can translate audio into text in more than 85 languages and dialects in a simple and precise way. Algorithms can be optimized to improve performance with domain-specific terms. In addition, you can increase the value of human speech by allowing the search and analysis of transcribed text, as well as enable actions in scripting languages.
  • Text to Speech: can create natural-sounding applications and solutions by selecting from more than 70 languages and dialects and more than 250 voices. From text reader to chatbot for customer support, Text to Speech offers the possibility to distinguish your business with a unique voice.
  • Speech Translation: speech translation allows you to translate audio, from more than 30 languages, into a computerized language. Speech translation also provides customized translators for a company's specific terminology.
  • Speaker Recognition: speaker recognition uses voice biometrics to accurately verify and identify speakers based on their distinctive vocal characteristics.

Overview of Azure AI Speech

Azure Cognitive Services Language

Language services are primarily used to analyze text and extract meaning from it.

Language services include:

  • Immersive Reader: a tool that improves the accessibility and comprehension of the text through features such as reading aloud, highlighting words and translating into multiple languages, making content easier to read and understand for users with different needs.
  • QnA Maker: allows you to superimpose current information with a linguistic layer of questions and answers. You can identify questions and answers using your semi-structured information, such as FAQs, manuals, and documents to create knowledge bases for your users.
  • Language Understanding (LUIS): it allows apps, smart devices and bots to learn and understand the natural language of users. Use proprietary machine learning skills to anticipate general intent and extract important and specific details from a user's natural language writing.
  • Text Analytics: it is an information extraction and text analysis service that includes various NLP (Natural Language Processing) capabilities such as sentiment classification, collaborative filtering, key phrase extraction, language identification and identification of named entities.
  • Translator: it is an automatic translation service that you can use with a single REST API request to transform text. The service employs cutting-edge machine translation technologies and statistical translation.

Overview of Azure AI Language capabilities

Azure Cognitive Services Decision

Decision services analyze data and draw patterns to allow faster, more precise and efficient decisions to be made in different contexts.

These include:

  • Anomaly Detector: You can quickly integrate time series anomaly detection capabilities into your apps to help users promptly identify any problems. Anomaly Detector accepts various types of data and chooses the most accurate anomaly detection method for your dataset.
  • Azure Content Moderator: it's an AI solution that allows you to manage highly inflammatory, dangerous, or otherwise inappropriate content. It includes an AI-based content moderation service that analyzes texts, images and video files, instantly adding quality alerts.
  • Azure Personalizer: it's a tool that helps your apps select the most appropriate content to display to your customers. You can use this service to determine which items to recommend to customers or where to place an advertisement.

Azure Cognitive Services Search

The last type of Cognitive Services offered by Azure is related to the way in which we search for information online. Even if Bing is not as popular as Google, the Microsoft search engine continues to defend itself using powerful algorithms based on artificial intelligence, capable of searching, comparing results and selecting only those that are relevant to your requests.

  • Bing News Search: provides ad-free news search results from a query on Bing News. It can also be used to examine trending topics on the internet.
  • Bing Web Search: provides location-based, ad-free, and secure results. These can include images, videos, web pages, or news.
  • Bing Visual Search: helps the user identify images and similar products, identify web sources and acquire knowledge from images.
  • Bing Video Search: this is a video search engine that provides ad-free video search results from Bing Videos and also offers the identification of video topics and trends.
  • Bing Entity Search: This API returns mostly local results with named entities or classifications such as famous people, hotels, restaurants, and more.

Azure AI Search architecture

Azure Cognitive Services: What are the benefits?

There are numerous advantages offered by the use of Azure Cognitive Services to organizations that want to exploit the potential made available by the latest technologies in the field of cognitive computing. In the list below, we will limit ourselves to mentioning just a few of the main benefits of the service and the many solutions it offers:

  • Easy adoption and minimal development effort: Azure cognitive services do not require Machine Learning skills to build artificial intelligence solutions. With a simple API call and pre-trained AI models, you can enable artificial intelligence capabilities in your application.
  • Cross-platform support: Because Azure cognitive services support devices and platforms on Windows, iOS and Android, developers can use any language such as C#, Python, Java, Node.js, etc., to easily integrate the technology into their applications.
  • Rich user experiences: decision-making services such as the Personalizer and the Content Moderator allow you to create better experiences for users and ensure that any offensive or unwanted content is modified, offering an engaging and intuitive user experience.
  • Quickly extract deeper insights: Vision APIs, such as computer vision, personalized vision, facial, form and ink recognition, help extract deeper information from any format.
  • Increase efficiency and accelerate productivity: Vision APIs, with automatic text extraction, Speech APIs with advanced speech processing capabilities, and natural language interactions support increased efficiency and accelerate overall productivity.
  • Increased data security: Azure cognitive services follow the terms of Azure's robust cloud infrastructure services to offer maximum security, with more than 70 certifications and support for virtual networks. Azure cognitive services also allow users to manage or delete their data.

Azure Cognitive Services examples and use cases

Azure Cognitive Services can help an organization in multiple use scenarios and the stories of large companies that have successfully implemented their functionality within their digital infrastructures are numerous.

So, for those who prefer to learn about a product through its success stories, below we provide some examples of real use cases by large companies that have managed to benefit greatly from the implementation of the Cognitive Services of the Microsoft cloud platform within their digital infrastructures:

  • To protect its millions of users against fraud attempts, the Uber company has implemented Azure Face API, which allows the service's app to verify the driver's identity. Passengers can be sure that their driver is the real owner of the account. This feature helps the Uber app recognize faces regardless of the person's lighting, position, or emotions.
  • The automotive giant Volkswagen manages a large volume of content that must be translated every day into more than 40 different languages — menus, manuals, infotainment systems and other textual content. This requires the translation of billions of words with short response times, and the excellent learning capabilities, flexibility and high scalability of Azure have allowed the German multinational to implement a precise translation for their software in almost real time and in a convenient way.
  • To optimize interactions with its audience and improve the user experience, the BBC uses a branded voice assistant. This assistant allows you to search for content in the BBC audio archive, in the form of a conversation. The voice assistant is based on Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services and the Azure Bot Service.
  • The international aircraft manufacturing company Airbus uses the capabilities of the Anomaly Detector in containers to monitor the status of its aircraft and solve problems in advance. The Anomaly Detector is also used to facilitate pilot training through voice-enabled chatbots.
  • KPMG, one of the largest organizations in the world (active in more than 150 countries) and part of the so-called “big four”, uses the capabilities of Cognitive Services to record and classify numerous calls, saving its customers up to 80% on regulatory costs.

Azure Cognitive Services pricing

Now let's talk about the costs: the pricing of Azure Cognitive Services is extremely complex because each service has its own unit of measure and rate, such as the number of images analyzed, documents processed, characters translated or hours of processed audio.

However, there are some common characteristics that can be identified and that will be the subject of this section, so that we can get as clear a general idea as possible of the pricing of Azure Cognitive Services.

Most services are billed on a consumption-based basis, meaning you pay based on actual usage. The costs then accrue based on the number of API calls, processing hours, or volume of data processed.

Some services may also offer different price levels based on volume, with for example, costs per call that may decrease as the data processed increases, as in the case of Computer Vision, Face API, Text Analytics or Translator.

Prices may also vary depending on the geographical region in which the services are used, reflecting the differences in the operating and infrastructure costs of the various areas, as well as the exchange rate of the currency used for payments. It is therefore important to consider the location of your users and data when choosing a region as it may influence the overall cost of the service.

For those interested in wanting to test the functionality of Azure Cognitive Services before committing themselves financially, many of the services offer a free monthly fee or a free trial that allows you to experiment without initial costs, useful for developers who want to test and develop applications without worrying about their budget.

For those who want to take the next step directly, with the convenient calculation tool made available on the official Azure page (which you can find hither) it is possible to start making a first estimate of the costs for each individual service.


Azure Cognitive Services are, ultimately, a very useful set of REST APIs and toolkits that can help developers create intelligent and smart apps. Anyone with basic knowledge of programming and API calls can use them to improve and expand different applications, limited only by their creativity.

With these tools, we can create systems with human capabilities capable of seeing, listening, speaking and understanding people in their natural language, using the same communication method to relate to them. By using cognitive services, we can not only use them for development purposes, but also in other fields such as making the app more secure, providing better customer support, and much more.

Day after day, exploiting the capabilities of cognitive computing is becoming an increasingly crucial element in the digital strategies of companies of all sizes that wish to keep up with the times.

Anyone who has not yet taken the necessary steps to put themselves in a position to take advantage of the latest technological discoveries is increasingly at risk of finding themselves in an uncomfortable position of stagnation in the future and Azure, with its Cognitive Services and its more than 200 services, could be an excellent first step to start moving in the right direction. Why not try it?

FAQ on Azure Cognitive Services

What are Azure Cognitive Services?

Azure Cognitive Services is a collection of APIs by Microsoft that allows developers to add AI functionalities like image recognition, speech processing, and language understanding to applications without requiring deep machine learning expertise.

How do Azure Cognitive Services work?

Azure Cognitive Services use cognitive computing and pre-trained AI models accessible via APIs. Developers provide data, and the service handles the underlying AI processes, making integration simple across platforms.

What types of Azure Cognitive Services are available?

The services are categorized into Vision, Speech, Language, Decision, and Search, each offering specialized APIs for tasks like image analysis, speech-to-text, sentiment analysis, and content moderation.

What are the benefits of using Azure Cognitive Services?

Benefits include easy adoption without needing ML expertise, cross-platform support, rich user experiences, efficient data insights, enhanced productivity, and strong data security.

How is the pricing structured for Azure Cognitive Services?

Pricing is consumption-based, varying by the service type and geographic region. Some services offer free trials or reduced rates for higher usage volumes.

Can you provide examples of Azure Cognitive Services in real-world use?

Yes, companies like Uber, Volkswagen, and the BBC use Azure Cognitive Services for identity verification, real-time translation, and voice-assistant development.

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