Software development phases, methodologies of an IT vendor

Exceptional projects start with an exceptional vision. Like any other multifaceted system, software development requires extensive planning, preliminary work, and management, especially if you have to manage multiple processes. Let's see what are the most important points to take into consideration.

What you'll find in this article

  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): a brief introduction
  • SDLC: Where is it used?
  • Software development phases: What are the main ones?
  • When to request software development
  • Software development methodologies: pros and cons
  • What are the best software development methodologies
  • Software development phases: Which tools to use?
  • Software development phases and methodologies: Why are they important?
Software development phases, methodologies of an IT vendor

For the project to go smoothly, a rigorous system is needed that makes the entire engineering effort effective and allows the software development team to achieve excellent results in a timely manner. The software development cycle (SDLC) is critical in this context.

The SDLC, with its structured methodology, makes it possible to identify and correct development errors right from their inception, minimizing the risk of delays and additional costs. Through careful planning and efficient resource management, the SDLC provides a clear roadmap for project success.

Therefore, a competent software development company should have a solid understanding of the different SDLC models and select the one that best suits the project context and business needs to maximize the efficiency and quality of the software product.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): a brief introduction

As already outlined, the software development cycle represents the process that a software project follows and includes a detailed plan that describes how to develop, maintain, replace, modify or improve specific software. This life cycle defines a methodology for improving the quality of the software and the entire development process. This approach is widely adopted by software development companies to ensure efficient project management and obtain successful production results.

But what does SDLC imply in software practice? Basically, it's about implementing best business practices for creating technological solutions. As a result, teams are able to produce high-quality software that meets or exceeds customer expectations. The software development cycle also allows companies to perform a detailed analysis of each phase, increasing efficiency and minimizing costs during the entire software development process.

There are usually six phases of software development: analysis, planning, architecture design, development, testing and maintenance. Some Project Managers may decide to combine, divide, or skip certain phases depending on specific project requirements. However, these phases are considered essential components for all software engineering projects.

SDLC: Where is it used?

The software development cycle is a fundamental concept in IT projects. Project managers use SDLCs to define the different phases of development and ensure that they are completed in a timely manner and in the correct order. This methodology is essential to ensure efficient delivery of software systems, while minimizing the presence of defects.

In addition, the software development lifecycle can also be exploited by system analysts during the design and implementation of new information systems.

Software development phases: What are the main ones?

As already mentioned, the number of phases of software development may vary depending on the methodology applied and the preferences of the development team or company. Consequently, the Agile development process embraces constant variation through an iterative workflow, and each iteration takes into account the next piece of the engineering puzzle. Usually, an iteration lasts from one to four weeks depending on the team and the time of completion. Therefore, the purpose of each iteration is determined by the duration assigned, resulting in a different set of phases for each software product.

On the contrary, the Waterfall methodology is a linear and documentation-rich project management process, with terminal phases. This implies that each phase must be completed before the next one can begin, and there is no overlap between the phases. The Waterfall methodology is usually divided into seven steps, which require careful planning using a Gantt chart. The only way to resume a phase is to start over from phase one.

1. Analysis

During this phase of the software development lifecycle, specialists meticulously collect precise requirements from the customer to present a solution tailored to their needs.

Any ambiguities need to be clarified only at this stage. The analysis phase also collects business requirements and identifies any potential risks. This step in the SDLC also includes a feasibility study, which defines all the strengths and weaknesses of the project to assess the overall viability of the project.

The objectives achieved in this phase are identified as the system of functions that your company needs or wishes to develop and implement.

For this, software developers complete three main tasks:

  • List of business needs or requirements
  • Development of process diagrams or a development flow
  • Carrying out the analysis

The analysis phase includes:

  • Clarity on specific details required for software development
  • Determining initial prototype ideas: which functions might be more suitable for the new product? What Unique Strengths (USP) should future software have to compete well in the market?

In this way, you can define the main requirements, which tools and approaches to use and how to achieve your business objectives more efficiently.

Then, the analysis phase helps to understand the main business needs and what to do to meet them.

2. Scheduling

The purpose of the second phase is to outline the scope of the problem and identify solutions. Resources, costs, time and other aspects should be taken into account here. The planning phase of the software development lifecycle is also when the project plan is developed that identifies, prioritizes, and assigns the tasks and resources necessary to build the structure for a project.

With that said, the passage culminates in a detailed project plan.

3. Architecture

The third phase involves two additional steps: High Level Design (HLD) and Low Level Design (LLD). The result of the former is the future architecture of a software product, while the LLD step describes how every single feature of the product should work. It is also at this stage that the database specification is developed to decide on the management and storage of data for future treatment, retrieval or evaluation.

Among other things, the development team will reflect on the main components, structure, treatment, and procedures of the system to achieve the stated objective. This design phase lays the foundation for the next step in the life cycle, namely development.

4. Development

Software development transforms project requirements and prototypes into a tangible solution. Therefore, engineers begin to create the entire system by processing the code using the required technology. During this phase of the software development lifecycle, customers will be able to get a first look at the future product.

And at the end of the construction process, customers will have operational functionality to share with customers.

5. Test

In the fifth phase, all pieces of code are tested to verify and validate a software product. The testers then perform software lifecycle activities to monitor the system for bugs and defects. This is done to verify the correspondence between the actual and expected behavior of a program.

The testing phase and the initial phases of the SDLC can be performed both with internal software development and with outsourcing, since they require interaction with the end user.

6. Maintenance

Once the system is implemented, it is possible to make any updates, improvements and changes, implementing new functionality in the operating software. It is crucial to maintain and modernize the system regularly so that it can adapt to future needs.

When to request software development

When the company is faced with the complexity and disorganization of its management processes, this can be the tangible sign that the time has come to seriously consider adopting software. This transition becomes crucial when one realizes that activities must be monitored across different platforms and that the time spent on frequent refresher meetings is excessive.

There are several situations that may suggest the need for more advanced tools:

  • Reliance on frequent meetings or emails to keep teams updated on progress and any issues.
  • Difficulty updating and accessing data on different platforms without effective coordination.
  • Failures to meet deadlines and common difficulties due to poor planning.
  • Expenditure of time and energy in organizing data and creating reports manually, which slow down decision-making and reduce overall operational efficiency.

Although in the past many small businesses have managed their projects using tools such as spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel, it's important to understand that such solutions often become obsolete as the size of the company grows.

Implementing dedicated software offers the opportunity to access advanced functionality, such as automated report management, real-time data updating, and scalability to meet business growth needs. This transition is not only a step towards greater efficiency, but also a strategic investment for the future of business project management.

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  • developing applications to automate business processes
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Software development methodologies: pros and cons


Born as a response to the limitations of traditional software development approaches such as Waterfall, the Agile method represents a development philosophy that promotes the rapid and iterative delivery of software, with constant attention to customer value and flexibility in dealing with changes in requirements. The Agile methodology has been designed to adapt to changing market needs and to promote a culture of collaboration between functional teams.


  • Flexibility: allows you to respond quickly to changes in customer requirements, making it easier to adapt the software according to needs.
  • Customer engagement: encourages active customer participation during the development process, allowing for a better understanding of their needs and greater overall satisfaction.
  • Better product quality: thanks to the practice of continuous testing and constant feedback, any problems can be identified and resolved early, improving the overall quality of the software.


  • Complex management: Managing an Agile project requires solid planning and coordination, as teams must work collaboratively and iteratively.
  • Resistance to change: For some organizations, adopting an Agile approach can be difficult, especially if they have historically followed more traditional methodologies.
  • Need for specialized skills: The success of the Agile model depends largely on the teams' ability to adopt Agile development practices and to work effectively together.


The Waterfall model, also known as the waterfall model, is a sequential and linear approach to software development, where each step of the process is completed before moving on to the next.

It is characterized by rigorous initial planning and a series of well-defined phases, including requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation.


  • Clear structure: the Waterfall model provides a well-defined and predictable framework for software development, with distinct and well-defined phases.
  • Early planning: Because all phases of the project are planned in advance, risks can be identified and mitigated from the start, reducing the likelihood of delays or problems during implementation.
  • Ease of management: the linear process of the Waterfall model makes it easy to manage and monitor project progress, since there is a clear sequence of activities to follow.


  • Resistant to change: the Waterfall model is not adaptable to changes in customer requirements or to new information that emerged during the development of the project, since it requires that all phases be completed before proceeding to the next one.
  • Difficulties in managing risks: since risk analysis is conducted primarily in the initial phase of the project, risks may be underestimated or not identified until later stages, resulting in delays or additional costs.
  • Lack of customer involvement: The Waterfall software development methodology involves limited customer involvement during software development, which can lead to discrepancies between customer expectations and the final product.


The Lean software development methodology represents an approach aimed at optimizing the production process by reducing operating costs, improving product quality and increasing overall efficiency. This model is based on key principles such as continuous improvement and respect for the human resources involved in the process. Lean is characterized by the adoption of a series of specific tools and techniques aimed at analyzing and optimizing the current state of the development process, in order to identify and eliminate waste and inefficiencies, this approach is known for its pull structure, which ensures that the work is carried out only when there is actual need, thus maximizing resource efficiency.


  • Simultaneous work: the ability to focus on multiple tasks at the same time within different stages of the process.
  • Improved visibility: thanks to the rapid delivery of intermediate results, project progress becomes more transparent and trackable.
  • Reduction of waste: Lean promotes the elimination of activities that do not add value to the final product.
  • Increased productivity: the optimization of processes leads to an increase in the overall efficiency of the team.


  • Lean Sprints are not always defined: the absence of clarity in the expected results can generate ambiguity during the execution of the project.
  • Coordination of required teamwork: The success of the Lean approach depends on close collaboration and coordination between team members.
  • Excessive attention to detail: The relentless focus on optimization can lead to an excessive level of detail, with possible negative consequences on the overall efficiency of the process.


In the Iterative approach, the project is fragmented into different iterations or time periods, usually between two and six weeks each. During each iteration, the team engages in carrying out tasks aimed at achieving the specific objectives established for that phase. While allowing for changes in the scope of application, the iterative approach still promotes detailed initial planning.


  • Precise measurement of progression: each iteration provides a tangible result or operational product, allowing accurate monitoring of project progress.
  • Flexibility to changes: thanks to the iterative nature, changes can be managed with agility, reducing the risk of excessive costs or delays.
  • Dynamic adaptability: the iterative approach allows the team to respond promptly to the evolving needs of the project.
  • Effective risk management: issues are identified and addressed during each iteration, allowing proactive risk management.


  • Limited adaptability to constantly changing requirements: significant changes can affect the overall architecture of the system, making in-depth reviews necessary.
  • Rigid structure of the iterations: each phase is defined by specific objectives and deadlines, without overlaps or margins of flexibility.
  • Increased complexity for small projects: The iterative approach is more suitable for large projects with complex and variable requirements.


The software development methodology represents an interesting combination of iterations and increments, with a particular emphasis on risk analysis. This approach allows the team to adapt the development process based on the unique risks that characterize a given project. In addition, it encourages the adoption of elements from different process models, such as incremental, cascading or evolutionary prototyping.


  • Advanced risk management during the analysis phase, allowing the team to identify and address any issues promptly.
  • Flexibility in the development process, allowing for the addition of changes and additional functionality in later phases.
  • Well-documented focus on each phase of the process, ensuring a clear understanding of activities and objectives.
  • Early and active involvement of the customer in the project, allowing for timely feedback and better satisfaction of needs.


  • High costs associated with implementing the model, as risk analysis requires specialized skills and additional resources.
  • It is primarily suitable for complex and mission-critical projects, while it may be excessive for smaller or smaller projects.
  • The overall success of the project depends heavily on the quality and accuracy of the risk analysis carried out in the early stages of the process.


The SDLC V model represents an evolution of the classic cascade SDLC model, offering more in-depth control of the process before moving on to the next phase. With the V model, the testing process begins already during the requirements definition phase. This testing phase involves early quality control through a series of reviews and controls, known as static testing. This approach makes it possible to identify and correct any defects in the early stages of project development, thus reducing errors in subsequent phases.


  • Clear definition of the phases, which facilitates a structured and precise management of the development process.
  • Ideal for time management, as it allows you to start testing early, ensuring a clear vision of the business idea and its implementation.
  • Proactive defect tracking thanks to the presence of continuous testing throughout the development cycle.


  • Limited flexibility in reacting to changes, as the model follows a rigid structure.
  • Absence of early prototypes, meaning that there are no tangible results for customers until the implementation phase.
  • High risks and ambiguities associated with the initial phase of the process.

What are the best software development methodologies

Most IT development teams favor the adoption of Agile methodology, given its flexibility and ability to adapt to changes. Other popular methodologies include the spiral or interactive approach, which offer similar advantages in terms of iteration and extensive testing before the product is released to the market or integration with larger source code.

However, it's important to avoid looking for a universal solution that fits all cases for SDLC project planning. Choosing the most suitable methodology will depend on the specific needs and objectives of the team, as well as on the resources available. It is advisable to carefully review the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, evaluating how these align with the needs of the project.

Software development phases: Which tools to use?

Software development lifecycle tools are essential to efficiently manage the process. Through the use of specialized software for creating diagrams, spreadsheets and other specific solutions, developers can optimize their activities and avoid getting lost in the chaos of the project. These tools provide advanced functionality for planning, tracing requirements, managing bugs, and much more, allowing the development team to keep focused on objectives and to achieve high-quality results more efficiently.

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This software has been designed to simplify the management of workflows in a wide range of contexts. Initially conceived as a task and error tracking system, Jira has developed into a powerful workflow management tool suitable for multiple use cases, including managing requirements, defining test scenarios and Agile software development.


This web service is aimed at facilitating teamwork, eliminating traditional information exchange models and without the use of mobile applications. Although less well-known than tools like Trello and Basecamp, Asana offers more advanced functionality, while maintaining a clear and intuitive interface. With a wide range of features, including goal and deadline settings, real-time synchronization, and more than 100 integrations, Asana stands out as a complete solution for managing projects and collaborative workflows.


It is a project management web application that is based on the kanban methodology, which is very popular among small companies and startups. It allows teams to effectively organize activities in visual columns, allowing them to monitor the progress of individual activities. Trello is known for its ease of use and its flexibility to adapt to different workflows.


It is a distributed and open-source control system widely used in software development. Git allows developers to collaborate efficiently on source code projects, keeping track of changes and managing code securely. It is particularly popular for its speed, effective branch management, and scalability.


Stash is a Git repository hosting platform managed by Atlassian. It offers advanced functionality for managing repositories, including the ability to create branches, perform code reviews, and monitor changes. Stash provides a secure environment for collaborative software development, allowing teams to work in an efficient and controlled manner.


SourceTree is a free desktop client for Git and Mercurial that offers an intuitive graphical interface for managing local and remote repositories. With SourceTree, developers can easily view and compare changes, perform commit and push operations, and manage branches efficiently. It's a popular choice among developers because of its ease of use and power.


Confluence is a knowledge management and collaboration platform developed by Atlassian. It offers advanced functionality for creating and sharing content, including documents, wikis, and web pages. Confluence encourages collaboration and communication within teams, allowing them to share information, discuss ideas, and make informed decisions. It is especially suitable for software development projects that require detailed documentation and effective communication between team members.

Software development phases and methodologies: Why are they important?

The positive effect of implementing a software management lifecycle methodology has a positive effect on the development process and its results. Each particular approach has its merits, but it's important to delve into the advantages of this practice in general.

  • Focus on objectives: the software development phases help to keep in mind the main objectives of the project. It is especially important when dealing with a large project. The presence of software development methodologies helps to stay focused and to implement the plan precisely. Therefore, in the end, you get a solution that meets your business needs.
  • Clear project design: With an SDLC, all team members understand the sequence of software development phases. They cannot proceed from one phase to the next until the previous one is completed and the project manager approves it. A formal review marks the end of each phase. Therefore, the project manager has maximum control.
  • Well documented project plan: the project shouldn't stop if a key member of the project leaves. The software development cycle provides a well-organized description of the design process. Without the necessary documentation, the new member of the project may have to rethink the entire project. A development cycle encourages careful record keeping, so new specialists can easily pick up where their colleagues left off.
  • Budget and time compliance: the project manager can easily stick to a budget with a well-structured software development plan at hand. It provides information on times and costs. All team members can keep track of their tasks and deadlines. Any delay can be easily detected. Therefore, the project manager can direct efforts from micro management to improving efficiency.


In conclusion, the choice and implementation of software development methodologies and phases by an IT vendor are crucial for the success of software development projects.

Through a careful assessment of needs, the selection of the most suitable SDLC methodology and the correct management of the phases of the software lifecycle, suppliers can ensure the delivery of high-quality, timely solutions in line with customer expectations.

Whether it's staff empowerment, a managed team or a fully managed project, the adoption of effective software development methodologies and phases allows IT suppliers to maximize customer value and consolidate their reputation in the field of IT outsourcing.

FAQ on software development phases and IT methodologies

What are the main phases of software development?

The main phases of software development include analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Each phase plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the project.

What happens during the analysis phase in software development?

In the analysis phase, the requirements of the software project are gathered and defined. This phase focuses on understanding the needs of the users and stakeholders to ensure the final product meets their expectations.

How is the design phase significant in software development?

The design phase involves creating the architecture of the software. This includes defining the system components, interfaces, and data models. A well-structured design is essential for the smooth implementation of the software.

What is the purpose of the implementation phase?

During the implementation phase, the actual code is written based on the design documents. This is where the software begins to take shape, with developers translating design plans into a working application.

What role does testing play in software development?

Testing is critical as it involves evaluating the software to find and fix defects. This phase ensures that the software functions as intended and meets the quality standards before it is deployed.

Why is deployment considered a crucial phase in software development?

Deployment is when the software is released to users. This phase requires careful planning to ensure a smooth transition from development to production, minimizing disruption to users.

What does the maintenance phase involve?

Maintenance involves ongoing support for the software after deployment. This includes fixing bugs, making updates, and improving the software to meet changing user needs and technological advancements.

How do software development methodologies differ?

Software development methodologies differ in their approaches to organizing and managing the development process. Some methodologies, like Waterfall, follow a linear and sequential approach, while others, like Agile, focus on iterative development and flexibility.

What is the Waterfall methodology in software development?

The Waterfall methodology is a traditional approach where each phase of development must be completed before the next one begins. It is a linear and structured method that works well for projects with clearly defined requirements.

How does the Agile methodology approach software development?

Agile methodology emphasizes iterative development, where the software is developed in small, manageable increments. This approach allows for flexibility, continuous feedback, and adaptation to changing requirements throughout the development process.

Why might a team choose an Agile methodology over Waterfall?

A team might choose Agile over Waterfall because Agile allows for more flexibility, quicker adjustments to changes, and continuous collaboration with stakeholders. It is particularly beneficial for projects where requirements are expected to evolve over time.

Can different software development methodologies be combined?

Yes, it is possible to combine different software development methodologies to create a hybrid approach that suits the specific needs of a project. For example, some teams might use elements of both Agile and Waterfall to balance structure with flexibility.

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The Modern Apps team specializes in development and integration across the entire Microsoft 365 ecosystem. We design native applications for Microsoft and Azure platforms, and implement business processes that integrate with and maximize the investment in Microsoft 365.