From Confluence to SharePoint Online: story of a migration

For a company, it is essential to choose the right platform to manage collaboration between colleagues, internal communication and the creation of content such as documents and intranet pages. In the vast landscape of available products, SharePoint Online stands out for its advanced functionality and native integration with the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. It therefore allows you to manage documents and business communications in a collaborative, secure and scalable environment, taking advantage of the features of Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, Viva and Power Platform. But what can I do to bring the intranet into the Microsoft 365 digital workplace? A customer asked us for it, and here's how it went.

From Confluence to SharePoint Online: story of a migration

The customer's problem: migrating corporate intranet content from Confluence to SharePoint

Operating in the railway sector, our customer needed to transfer the contents of the company intranet based on Confluence to a more modern collaboration platform to:

  • Manage internal communication to keep a large network of employees up to date, distributed in different locations and departments.
  • Centralize the sharing and archiving of documents, operating procedures, maintenance schemes and other useful resources to ensure compliance and the quality of the service offered.

SharePoint Online was then chosen as a replacement product, offering:

  • Advanced document management capabilities, including versioning, metadata assignment, and advanced search in Microsoft 365.
  • Greater customization possibilities thanks to the use of tools such as SharePoint Framework and PowerShell, to adapt to workflows and to the specific needs of the company.
  • Granular permission management, to allow corporate tenant administrators to authorize access to files stored at the site, document library, list, or individual item level.

SharePoint is also a Content Management system designed to manage large volumes of data, together with the simultaneous collaboration of users on documents. It therefore stands out for the scalability of its sites, such as the intranet, and of the archives they host, adapting to the customer's needs.

Finally, it integrates natively with the remaining Microsoft 365 products to offer numerous advantages for business productivity.

For example, the integration with Microsoft Teams simplifies access to internal communications, while the integration with OneDrive optimizes the management of documents and permissions.

The integration with the Microsoft Power Platform, which includes Power Automate and Power Apps, allows instead to:

  • Create automated workflows for managing content and approving documents to be distributed on the intranet.
  • Expand SharePoint functionality with the low-code development of custom apps.

To manage the migration process from Confluence to SharePoint and obtain the advantages listed so far, the customer did not want to invest in the development of a custom solution to connect the data of the two platforms.

The migration had to take place within the agreed time frame, limiting intervention costs.

Our solution: an efficient migration process, without custom development or manual intervention, to Microsoft 365

To meet the customer's request, we decided to use a third-party application that can facilitate the migration of all intranet pages from Confluence to SharePoint Online.

The chosen application allowed us to manage the migration, avoiding the additional costs for the development of a custom solution. But not only that.

In the absence of a custom solution, many would have decided to intervene manually. This would have taken months to complete the operation, along with a larger margin of error.

Business data would have been exposed to a greater risk in terms of security and integrity.

The search and selection of the correct application to connect the Confluence and SharePoint platforms was therefore a necessary step, which we decided to integrate into the project to guarantee the customer an efficient and secure migration process.

To choose the right application, we took into account the following factors:

  • Budget made available by the customer
  • Volume of data on the corporate intranet, to be migrated
  • Compatibility with the Confluence architecture, complex and external to the Microsoft ecosystem

The results obtained

The intranet migration from Confluence to SharePoint Online was completed within the agreed time frame, without any risk to the security and integrity of business data.

Together with the customer, we traced the interactions with the new SharePoint intranet, to understand if it was really the right solution to improve the employee experience. The answer? Let's see some facts together:

  • Users access more than 1,500 pages of content daily.
  • More than 400 news items have been created in SharePoint to report the main communications of the Confluence intranet. Thanks to centralized access and distribution in Microsoft Teams, all the news was received by more than 4,000 users.

Since the launch of production, the company has not yet received any negative feedback from users.

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Modern Work

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