Microlearning: What it is and how to improve training with AI

Microlearning is emerging as an indispensable solution for business training. This method, which divides the contents into small, easily assimilable units, offers a flexible and focused approach to learning, perfect for meeting the needs of modern employees, thanks to the help of artificial intelligence. But why is it essential for companies to adopt microlearning? The answer lies in the many advantages that this approach offers: from increased productivity to better information retention, to the possibility of personalizing the training path of each employee. It is for these reasons that many companies are embracing microlearning, and among these, intranet.ai stands out, which has developed advanced and easily integrated solutions, designed to optimize business learning. By adopting platforms such as the one offered by intranet.ai, companies can transform their documents into interactive and multimedia training content, supported by artificial intelligence and translation into more than 40 languages. This technology not only facilitates the creation of courses, but also makes them more accessible and engaging for employees, improving the effectiveness of training and contributing to the continuous growth of the organization. In this article, we will explore the advantages of microlearning, examples of use and strategies for effective implementation, to demonstrate how this approach can make a difference in any work context.

Microlearning: What it is and how to improve training with AI

What is microlearning?

Microlearning is a training approach that divides content into short, focused learning units, designed to be easily assimilated and quickly completed. This method stands out for its flexibility and attention to conciseness, making it particularly suitable for work environments and the frenetic pace of modern life. Microlearning sessions can vary in length, from a few seconds to a maximum of 15 minutes, and are often distributed through digital platforms, such as apps and learning management systems (LMS).

Microlearning finds its roots in cognitive psychology and in the effectiveness of just-in-time learning, and, due to its modular nature, allows users to customize their training path, choosing only the modules relevant to their needs.

Microlearning: What are the benefits?

1. Efficiency and productivity

Microlearning offers short, focused learning sessions, designed to be completed in a matter of minutes. This feature makes it ideal for professionals, as they can integrate learning into their days without interrupting work activities. The flexibility of being able to learn during breaks or while traveling allows for more efficient time management and promotes continuous learning without overloading users.

Another benefit of microlearning is immediate access to teaching materials. Users can access training content whenever they need it, using any device connected to the Internet. This on-demand availability is particularly useful for a quick review of concepts or for solving specific problems when they arise, thus improving productivity and work efficiency.

2. Better retention and application

Delayed repetition is a learning technique that distributes study sessions over time, instead of focusing them on a single intense session. This methodology is widely used in microlearning to improve information retention, since reviewing content at regular intervals strengthens long-term memory and reduces the chances of forgetting concepts. Short microlearning sessions, repeated over time, allow users to consolidate knowledge and apply it more effectively.

Microlearning uses a variety of media to create multisensory learning experiences. The combined use of video, audio, infographics and interactive tests involves different senses, improving the understanding and memorization of concepts. Multisensory experiences are particularly effective in keeping the attention of users high and in facilitating the assimilation of content, making learning more complete and interactive.

3. Flexibility and compatibility with various devices

The ability to access microlearning modules at any time and place offers a high level of flexibility, thanks to which users can learn while on the move, on lunch breaks or at any free time, without having to follow strict schedules. This convenience makes microlearning particularly suitable for the frenetic pace of modern life, allowing users to integrate learning into their daily lives in a natural and stress-free way.

Microlearning is designed to be compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops, and guarantees users access to training content using the device that is most convenient for them. In addition, microlearning platforms often offer dedicated apps that further improve the user experience, making learning more fluid and accessible.

4. Economic convenience

Microlearning is often cheaper than traditional training methods. First of all, because creating short, specific modules requires less time and resources than developing long and complex courses. In addition, the digital distribution of content reduces logistics costs and allows a rapid dissemination of information. This makes microlearning an affordable solution for companies that want to provide continuous training without burdening the budget.

The modular structure of microlearning then allows companies to easily update and modify training content. Each module can be adapted and improved independently of the others, allowing greater agility in managing learning programs. This modular approach not only reduces upgrade costs, but also ensures that the contents are always relevant and updated with respect to the needs of the market and the company.

Creating training courses independently with Microlearning by intranet.ai

Microlearning: examples of use

Onboarding programs

Microlearning is an ideal tool for onboarding programs and introducing new employees. This approach allows fundamental information to be divided into short, interactive modules, facilitating the assimilation and memorization of key concepts. New employees can then quickly learn company policies, operating procedures and essential information about their roles, without feeling overwhelmed. The ability to access the training modules on demand allows employees to proceed with their onboarding process at their own pace, ensuring a smoother and more efficient transition into the new work environment.

Compliance training

Compliance is a critical area for many businesses, requiring employees to be constantly updated on company regulations and policies. Microlearning is particularly effective for this type of training, thanks to its ability to provide quick and timely updates. Microlearning modules can cover various compliance topics, such as workplace safety, anti-money laundering regulations, data protection, and more. The short and concise nature of the forms facilitates the frequent review of regulations and the assimilation of new information, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

Professional growth

Microlearning supports continuous professional development, offering employees the opportunity to constantly update their skills and knowledge. The short and specific modules allow them to focus on skills that are precise and relevant to their role, promoting targeted professional growth. Organizations can use microlearning to provide refresher courses on new technologies, work methods, managerial skills and other areas crucial for professional progress. This approach not only enhances individual skills, but also contributes to the competitiveness and resilience of the organization as a whole.

Language learning

Microlearning is extremely effective for language learning, thanks to its ability to offer short, interactive sessions, ideal for daily practice, and covering vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. This approach allows users to easily integrate language study into their daily routine, progressively improving their language skills through the constant and repeated use of the modules.

Courses on hobbies and interests

In addition to professional and academic training, microlearning can be used for personal development, allowing individuals to explore new interests and cover a wide range of topics, such as cooking, photography, music, programming, and more. The short sessions allow users to learn new skills and techniques in a gradual and practical way, making learning an enjoyable and rewarding experience. This approach encourages continuous exploration and the expansion of one's knowledge and skills, enriching personal and professional life.

Making business training more interactive with Microlearning by intranet.ai

Microlearning: How to bring it to the company?

Strategies for effective implementation

To successfully implement microlearning in an organization, it is essential to align training content with business objectives. This means that learning modules must be designed to directly support the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve the company's objectives. A careful analysis of training needs and close collaboration between the human resources department and business leaders can ensure that microlearning programs are relevant and targeted, improving not only the effectiveness of training programs, but also increasing employee adoption and support.

User engagement

It is important to clearly communicate the benefits of microlearning to different interest groups within the organization, including managers, employees, and human resources managers, to ensure that you get their active support and commitment to promoting and using microlearning modules. This can be facilitated through workshops, presentations and practical demonstrations that show how microlearning can solve specific problems and improve work performance. In addition, constantly collecting feedback helps to redefine and improve training programs.

Measuring success through KPIs

To evaluate the effectiveness of microlearning programs, it is essential to define and monitor specific key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs may include metrics such as the completion rate of forms, the level of user engagement, the improvement of skills and knowledge, and the impact on work performance. Analyzing this data helps identify areas of success and improvement, allowing microlearning programs to be continuously adapted and optimized, and to have a clear view of the return on investment (ROI) of microlearning, justifying further investments.

Collecting feedback from users through surveys, questionnaires and evaluation sessions allows you to quickly identify any problems or gaps in training content, and detailed insights into user preferences. Using this information to make regular changes and updates to microlearning modules ensures that content remains relevant, effective, and engaging. An approach aimed at continuous improvement helps to keep the quality of learning high and to respond promptly to the evolving needs of the organization.

Tracking the progress of colleagues with Microlearning by intranet.ai

Microlearning by intranet.ai: AI at the service of business training

Microlearning is the solution that we have developed with intranet.ai to create courses and content that are simple to assimilate, starting from business documents, in a sustainable, scalable and convenient way with the support of artificial intelligence.

Through integration with Microsoft's AI models, the Microlearning platform is able to transform business documents into short and engaging lessons in a few seconds, in compliance with industry best practices. Not only can you create courses from scratch, but you can also generate audio pills and translate content into more than 40 languages, ensuring privacy and personalization.

Each course can be easily adapted to meet user needs, including micro-lessons, multimedia content with particular attention to accessibility and usability, and interactive elements such as quizzes, tests, questionnaires and flash cards. You can also integrate videos from YouTube or Vimeo, Google maps and charts, as well as audio files from Spotify and SoundCloud, to provide comprehensive insights.

As far as engagement is concerned, Microlearning integrates perfectly with Microsoft's main applications dedicated to training and collaboration. Content can be centralized in a single place, such as the corporate intranet on SharePoint Online, where users can easily find suggested courses based on their role, department or location. Educational resources in this area can be enhanced by Microsoft Forms questionnaires and surveys, in-depth Microsoft Stream videos, and related SharePoint news.

Alternatively, courses can be shared on Teams chats or in a Viva Engage community, allowing users to ask questions to colleagues, exchange ideas, participate in gamification experiences and share feedback on courses taken. Personalized notifications sent on Teams remind users to follow assigned courses, helping them achieve their learning goals.

Finally, the contents generated with Microlearning can be imported into Viva Learning thanks to direct integration, or into the corporate LMS system through the export in SCORM format, thus offering a complete and flexible training experience.

Microlearning: What does the future hold?

Microlearning and artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing the field of microlearning through the analysis of forecasts. These technologies make it possible to personalize the learning experience based on the needs and behaviors of users, using large amounts of data to anticipate training needs and suggesting the most relevant content for each individual. For example, AI can identify areas where an employee needs improvement and propose specific modules to fill these gaps. This level of personalization not only increases the effectiveness of learning, but also the engagement and motivation of users.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies are then opening up new opportunities for microlearning, offering highly immersive learning experiences. VR, for example, allows users to simulate real scenarios to put lessons into practice, and is often used in sectors such as medicine, engineering and security. AR, on the other hand, enriches the physical environment with digital information, facilitating on-the-job learning and problem solving in real time. The integration of these two tools, VR and AR, into microlearning modules can significantly improve understanding and retention of information, offering more engaging and interactive learning experiences.

Evolving work dynamics

The growing shift towards hybrid and remote working models is increasing the demand for flexible and accessible learning solutions, and microlearning perfectly meets this need, allowing employees to access teaching materials wherever they are. Short learning sessions are ideal for remote workers, who can easily integrate them into their workdays.

In addition, continuous learning and skill development are becoming crucial elements for business competitiveness. This approach allows organizations to adapt quickly to market changes and to maintain a highly qualified and competent workforce.

One of the main challenges of microlearning is to ensure that content is always relevant and of high quality. In fact, it is essential that the training modules are designed by industry experts and updated regularly to reflect the latest knowledge and practices. Collaboration with professionals and the use of constant feedback can help maintain high quality standards. In addition, data analysis and module performance monitoring can offer valuable information to continuously improve and adapt content.

Finally, the adoption of microlearning may encounter resistance from some employees, who may be used to more traditional training methods. To overcome this resistance, it is important to clearly communicate the benefits of microlearning and provide concrete examples of its positive impact, for example through information sessions, resources and workshops, which serve both to demonstrate the effectiveness of microlearning modules and to actively involve employees in the implementation process.


We have seen what microlearning is, and since through short and targeted sessions, it is a fundamental tool for improving employee efficiency and productivity.

We have explored the benefits of microlearning and its main applications, how to implement microlearning correctly, aligning it with business objectives, and how to measure the success of these training programs.

Finally, we talked about the Microlearning platform that we developed together with intranet.ai, an easy-to-adopt solution that allows you to create short and engaging courses and content, starting with business documents. Microlearning integrates perfectly with the main Microsoft applications dedicated to training, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, and can be customized to meet the needs of users.

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